Southampton Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

A draw against Southampton is fine on its own, it is more the fact its yet more dropped points away. Hell we even tried to fuck up the result against west Brom, we really need to sort this out
My son is a life long Southampton supporter he loves his club in the same way that true City fans love theirs, he is law abiding and totally against any kind of violence as I'm sure virtually all true City fans are. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the mindless thug that head butted my son for no reason whatsoever he did this in front of his mates to prove whatever point he felt was necessary.

Luckily my son rose above it and walked away with a bloodied nose and over night a lot of bruising to his face. I feel livid that this thing still happens in football but I suppose some people are just born aggressive and downright ignorant of others around them. IF that person responsible ever reads this post he will know who he is so I would like to say to him whatever it was that he thought he heard it did not come from my son and the comment probably sums him up and in my honest opinion you ARE what you heard.

Anyway I've made my feelings felt and wish City all the best for the coming season in all competitions.

Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.
Thought it was a great game yesterday between two sides who play the game the way it should be played,we needed a result against you to stop the rot. Living here in lancs I have a few city mates who take me along to see some of your games when I can't make it down to the south coast and I must say I'm very impressed with the way your club is set up and the passion of your fans,its clubs like yours and the likes of barca that smaller clubs like saints aspire to,think we are heading in the right direction so far! Anyway good luck for rest of season if there's any side I'd like to see lift the title then its city, until of course we are challenging you for it! Haha
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.
Sorry to hear that mate, and I hope you are ok, unfortunately its the sign of the times, and the nasty coward that attacked you does not belong on this planet, never mind supporting our great club. All the best for you season also.
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.

Saddening to hear,cowardice such as that makes me angry and very disappointed that dicks like them follow our club.I'm pleased,however,you are not tarnishing all of us because of the moronic behaviour of a minority....... hope youre ok pal and it wont affect your future decisions about attending games.
Stick around you seem a top lad and,as such,more than welcome here .
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.

Such a shame that the small minority act in this way - cowards. I hope such behaviour doesn't deter you from following your team in future.

Feel free to stick around, I've been thoroughly impressed by Saints this season, and I don't think we have a resident Saints fan yet.
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.
Well done for not retaliating, it's just a shame there wasn't a bus coming down the road just as he fell into it. All the best to you and your dad Halo and welcome to the forum.
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.

Shocking to hear your story. As a club and as football fans we can only apologise.
Like any other club we seem to have our fair share of idiots who can't handle their booze
and think they are 'hard'. Best of luck to you and your team for the rest of the season.
Unsung Halo said:
Afternoon City fans,

I am a Saints fan who was at the game yesterday and I would just like to let you all know, without giving it the spotlight of it's own thread, that you were terribly let down by a group of fellow 'City fans' after the match.

I go to Saints games on my own nowadays because I love my club and it is the situation I have found myself in. I always keep myself to myself, except in the stands to enjoy the football and nothing else, then return home 15 minutes walk from the stadium. However, I unfortunately returned home yesterday with a slightly bloody nose after being headbutted by one of your brainless so-called supporters who had decided it was I who had called him a 'fat b*st*rd', despite walking along minding my own business on the opposite side of the road. I noticed this group of morons a little further up the road since they were giving it the big one to police cycling past and walking in front of traffic. I could hear them shouting across the road but wanted nothing to do with it. Next thing I know I had this guy on my shoulder and swearing in my face so I plainly told him he had the wrong guy. He then headbutted me, turned and tripped on the kerb and fell through a road sign into the road. There were no police about at this point and had I retaliated I'm almost certain I'd have further been on the end of a real kicking from the rest of them so I quickly carried on with my way home to avoid more trouble while absolutely furious knowing they would get away with this. I'm still very angry about it today which is why I'm making this post. I know what a great club Manchester City is and I know Mancunian City fans so I respect what has gone on at the Etihad in recent years, despite your lack of English talent. I also share a hate for the red half of Manchester like many other football fans and it's great to be above them still. I would never tarnish a whole set of fans with the same brush and I'm sure virtually all of you will be ashamed of the actions from a blue few yesterday.

Thanks, good luck in your pursuit of the title.

I feel really sad now after reading about that, hope you have fully recovered. I can understand how angry you are and I can only hope the moron responsible reads your post and realizes what a complete and utter twat he is.
I'm in my 60's now and sometimes I still feel nervous when mingling with opposition fans, this I think is due to all the shit I witnessed during the hooligan era. An era we never want to see again.
Enjoy your season and good luck.

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