Spanish Mundo ABC: Mourinho made a deal vith Manchester City

There's no doubting Mourinho's CV. He's won things, at the highest level, wherever he's been, and you can't see that ending. If he was to become City manager at some point, whether it be this summer, next summer or further down the line, then I have no doubt he'd be a success and trophies would follow. I'm not concerned by his attitude to the media, or how arrpgant/aloof he may well seem, and I don't think his football is as dull as some would lead you to believe.

No, my only real concern with Mourinho is that whether it be Porto, Chelsea, Inter or now seemingly Madrid, he never stays in one place for too long. To expect anything more than 3 or maybe 4 seasons out of him is an exercise in futility I believe. I'm not sure I'm happy with this fairly short term approach. Yes I want success, but I also want a manager that can bring success AND is willing to stay at the club for the long haul. Fergie and Wenger are extreme examples, but why not look at them, both have spent a long amount of time at their club, and both have brought success. That's what we should be aiming for.

By all means bring Mourinho to the club when the timing is right, but I hope ADUG are already think of the transition between Mourinho and the next manager, which will inevitably come sooner than we'd like.
chesterbells said:
franksinatra said:
Yes lets get rid of a manager who has consistently showed respect and humility while continually improving the team and rerplace him with that arrogant ill-mannered Mourinho and and become the type of club we have always hated.

What, you mean one that wins titles ? ;)

Funny that you describe him as arrogant - that's one of the words I've often heard about the way Mancini relates to his players - along with aloof, distant and cold. Mourinho may (or may not) be arrogant & ill mannered with the press etc but he isn't with the people who matter - his players, cos he's too smart for that

So the perception of the club doesn't matter? Most players praise Fergie so I suppose his behaviour is perfectly acceptable also?

The fact that you compare him to Manicin is laughable, a man who sneakily walks behind an opposition manger and pokes him in the eye. Is the person you want representing Manchester City?

I didnt support City on the basis to see silverware, I supported them due to family connections and the fact that they stood for something. If were prepared to sell our soul and hire him then its a very sad day for this club
chesterbells said:
franksinatra said:
Yes lets get rid of a manager who has consistently showed respect and humility while continually improving the team and rerplace him with that arrogant ill-mannered Mourinho and and become the type of club we have always hated.

What, you mean one that wins titles ? ;)

Funny that you describe him as arrogant - that's one of the words I've often heard about the way Mancini relates to his players - along with aloof, distant and cold. Mourinho may (or may not) be arrogant & ill mannered with the press etc but he isn't with the people who matter - his players, cos he's too smart for that

It is well known in Spain that Casillas hates Mourinho, and he's the Madrid captain. In fact Casillas is a bit like Raúl was. i.e. a huge influence on the club's politics. So there could be a power battle like at Chelsea with Terry.

I am not sure that Mou is anymore friendly with Madrid players than our own aloof Mancini.

It is at the end of the day a matter of taste. Do you find an individual sufficiently repellent to not want him at your club regardless of their talent.

There have been people I would hate at the club. Rooney, Ronaldo. In the past I disliked Beckham intensely, still do. If they join City I´ll get on with it but I´d prefer it if they didn't.

Mourinho I can live with.
franksinatra said:
chesterbells said:
franksinatra said:
Yes lets get rid of a manager who has consistently showed respect and humility while continually improving the team and rerplace him with that arrogant ill-mannered Mourinho and and become the type of club we have always hated.

What, you mean one that wins titles ? ;)

Funny that you describe him as arrogant - that's one of the words I've often heard about the way Mancini relates to his players - along with aloof, distant and cold. Mourinho may (or may not) be arrogant & ill mannered with the press etc but he isn't with the people who matter - his players, cos he's too smart for that

So the perception of the club doesn't matter? Most players praise Fergie so I suppose his behaviour is perfectly acceptable also?

The fact that you compare him to Manicin is laughable, a man who sneakily walks behind an opposition manger and pokes him in the eye. Is the person you want representing Manchester City?

I didnt support City on the basis to see silverware, I supported them due to family connections and the fact that they stood for something. If were prepared to sell our soul and hire him then its a very sad day for this club

Lets not get too high & mighty here; there have have been plenty of characters (on and off the field) in our clubs past who have not always behaved as they should. I don't see the point in trading individual incidents for 'morality' (poke in the eye vs cigar in the eye etc etc),

I also started supporting for family reasons, but What do you mean you supported the club cos they "stood for something" ? What, tell me, did city stand for exactly over and above every other football club. I'll go & get a hanky to wipe away the tear from my eye whilst you compose your reply.

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