Sports you just dont 'get'

jay_mcfc said:
Cricket, Golf, American Football and Baseball are probably above the intelligence of you lot.
Ameican football and Baseball is played and watched by people more concerned with 'stats and yardage' than the actual score. Suits those dull yanks down to the ground! only imo of course.
Forumla 1 race car driving or whatver it is. They drive around the same 'course' dozens and dozens of times stopping to fill up on petrol when neccassary. Worhty of sleep I would deem it.

Anyone who likes that is a very, very sad person. Just die.
Cricket - Tedious in the extreme

Golf - Seriously why?

Tennis - Grown up ping pong for rich brats

MMA - For people who are crap at boxing

Basketball - Netball for freaks

Baseball - Big boy rounders

American Football - About as free flowing as constipation

Nascar - Only exciting when someone crashes

Formula 1 - See above

Darts - If darts is a sport then so is shove a' penny
malg said:
Golf - shite
Cricket - shite
Mens gymnastics - woeful
Diving (swimming pool type) - sleep inducing
Sailing - fuck off
Formula 1 - utter shite (and BBC have it on the radio!!!)
Nothern hemisphere international rugby union - shite
Hockey - oh my fucking God, how often can a ref stop a game?
Wrestling - seriously, what the fuck?

Hockey? I don't watch it too often but when i do i've always liked it.
show jumping
formula 1

if i remember correctly, didn't england get knocked out of a cricket world cup because it rained? what a crock of shit. i'd love to have seen the english football fans of the '80's being told over the tannoy that they had to go home, england are out 'cos it's pissing down. utter carnage.

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