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Look at Liverpool look at Chelsea!

This season is transitional season seems we ain’t allowed to have one seems we expect to win the league forever more! The majority of these players have delivered since pep been here! Top four a go at winning the champs League and the fa cup then come summer players will leave players will come in and pep will get us going again…
I can see Liverpool and Chelsea mate and it’s a bloody good job they’re shite too because if they weren’t we wouldn’t be where we are. I don’t watch City expecting us to win anything at all, ever. It’s fantastic that we have won titles but what I expect is effort and I’m not seeing it. We’ve earned every title we’ve won by playing well, by having drive and by not giving up.

I understand we can call it a transitional season but what are we transitioning to? I don’t see anything new here in our patterns of play apart from slow, predictable negative football. It looks like they aren’t arsed.

Please don’t read my post as though I’m coming from an entitled position, I’m not, I’m just not happy that we’ve got a very, very good team that is consistently underperforming. Why weren’t they fired up today? The result yesterday gave us a real opportunity and we didn’t do ourselves justice at all.
it's chalk and cheese at the moment,

world-class player don't sit on the bench and be happy, ask Cancelo ? pep was asked in the pre-match interview about the players being match fit and ready, he said only Stones is out,

you don't spike your face to ruining your nose unless your Ego is bigger than yourself
if Pep ego is hurting, Manchester city then something has be sort out quickly

I also sense there is a possible frustration from the team that we seemed to have changed our style and principles from being killers, on the front foot, wanting to attack and destroy teams to one who wants to nullify and pass the opposition to death and win one nil? The likes of KDB, Foden, Grealish want to be playing expansive attacking football that has been successful the last 5 years and made us arguably the greatest premier league team of all time!? Baffling to be honest and I personally think pep may be gone in the summer
Not a chance the board will undermine Pep. They might as well sack him as do that. And we can’t have player power either.
The Board hasn't got the bollocks to sack Pep Guardiola. They're (quite reasonably) in awe of him and I suspect that they haven't got a clue how they're going to replace him.
He could probably get us relegated two divisions and still get an extended contract.

Player power will be his undoing.
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Bernardo being nowhere near the same level is impacting us as much as anything else. He was superb in both sides of the transition last year. Now he’s all over the place at times, Rodri and the defence were on a hiding to nothing with some of it.
A clear message to the board today with Pep putting Lewis at left back, it screamed of why the fuck didn't you get me a proper left back in this window.
The best left back we currently have is Ake so we play him out of position and play a genuine rookie in that position. The best right back we currently have is Walker so we play him out of position at centre back. We have the best striker on the planet but seem to go out of our way not to play to his strengths. It screams of stubbornness and stupidity. We made a conscious decision not to pay the fee for the left fullback we wanted and badly needed. As a club we insist on trying to prove our point on every level even when it’s to our detriment. That screams of stubbornness and stupidity. The vast majority of our current problems seem to be self inflicted on every level.
Reading to much on here about Liverpool and Chelsea the "decline" the "transition" of them both. Realistically I couldn't give a rats arse of what those pair of cunts do.

We need to take a long hard look at ourselves first and foremost. It's worrying the lack of desire and hunger our lads are shown. Not all of them by the way! But the hunger doesn't look to be there to go again and win another title.

Coming into the Champions League now soon also, The way we are performing we could easily get done by Leipzig.

Pep has been phononemial since he has been with us, Fully confident he's going to get this right and we will get back on track.
Not read every post but haven’t as yet seen anyone blame the World Cup, which I’m glad about, because that would be a load of trifle

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