Spurs have just published their 'Ticketing Charter' and there's a few things in there of interest.
- They won't be issuing any new discounted over-65 tickets as from next season, and they're gradually whittling down the discount on existing tickets from 50% to 25% over the next five years. The rationale is that they have four times the number of over-65 season ticket holders than they used to have and it's costing them money.
- Season tickets will have to be utilised a minimum of 15 times over a season or will be subject to non-renewal.
- They will be actively auditing the issuing of away tickets. Allocations are based on points over a rolling 5 year period. They say that 80% of tickets go to general admission season ticket holders, which is the same as us if you add the 20% of OSC tickets into the supposed 60% we get.
Ferran Soriano will be all over the FOC one I bet, assuming they get away with it.