Spurs lose the 2012 Stadium to West Ham

Let us not forget Orient and the effect this could potentially have on them.

Doesn't mean I don't think West Ham should have got it, but maybe a condition could have been attached giving Orient some compensation as part of the deal, or better, first refusal on Upton Park at a knock down price. If West Ham wanted it that much they would have agreed.
Jackson-ctid said:
bluesmith said:
I assume you're taking the piss here?

not at all, I don't particularly like Spurs but it's better for everyone involved if they are given the stadium.
Please explain how it is better for Leyton Orient if Spurs get the stadium? Also please explain how it is better for City if spurs get the stadium? In fact please explain to me how it is better for ANYONE if Spurs ge the stadium and then proceed to pull it down to build a new football stadium?
Exactly that mate, I know plenty that will jack it in, no way will we fill 60000 either the ground will be more like the Emirates with plenty of corporate suits on a jolly up. Gold and Sullivan have not asked the fans if they want the move once which is very disrespectful. This will never be home, we won't even be the sole tenants with plenty of other events taking place. RIP west ham I feel

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