Spurs Post Match Thread

squirtyflower said:
squirtyflower said:
Well that was worth it, great day out
Got fucked around on the train down as our coach was blocked off, then the same coming back but they've put is in first class instead, now that is a result!

Good stuff! Hope you enjoy it mate.
OB1 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
OB1 said:
Utter bollocks. You should always want the result that is best for City not the one that is worst for the Rags.

I would if it mattered but2nd or 3rd...can you explain how it benefits us one way or another other than a few quid.

Because staying in the top 2 for yet another season is a better achievement than dropping from champions to 3rd place. It is better for team morale and less so therefore for Arsenal's. United could easily lose to Arsenal and still not get caught by a Liverpool side that has to go to Chelsea, who may ease up a bit now but really won't want to drop points to the Scousers.

Maybe but I doubt it will have that much impact on morale. Finishing 3rd didn't affect Chelsea last season and finishing 2nd didn't help Liverpool.

The only place that anyone remembers is 1st!

You are right about it being a longshot from the scousers though but I can't ever find it in me to want them to win.
CaliforniaBlue said:
Anyone mentioned the role Kolarov played in the goal yet? He was the one who deflected the ball back to Hart, and then he made an 80 yard run to overlap Silva, which caused the full-back to change his mind and follow Kolarov instead of closing down Silva (bad choice). Silva then had all the time in the world to play that sublime pass to Aguero's perfectly timed run.
True , I like the 'deflected the ball back to Hart bit'.
Kolarov was excellent today. Amazed to see him getting slaughtered by some in the match day thread.

He's been playing well consistently recently IMO.
OB1 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
OB1 said:
Utter bollocks. You should always want the result that is best for City not the one that is worst for the Rags.

I would if it mattered but2nd or 3rd...can you explain how it benefits us one way or another other than a few quid.

Because staying in the top 2 for yet another season is a better achievement than dropping from champions to 3rd place. It is better for team morale and less so therefore for Arsenal's. United could easily lose to Arsenal and still not get caught by a Liverpool side that has to go to Chelsea, who may ease up a bit now but really won't want to drop points to the Scousers.

We need to finish 2nd.With all the money now in the Prem. - a couple of weeks ago on MOTD - Shearer was lambasting Newcastle for a poor performance and it was mentioned that the team finishing 14th got £109M. The point being that teams going down to the Championship take a lot of money with them and so have a head start over clubs that have been in that league for years.

BTW - what do City get for finishing 2nd - Could buy us a new young midfielder?.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
OB1 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Does it matter if we finish 3rd or 2nd? I would rather the rags are definitely 4th at best and get beat 4-0 at home to Arsenal it it helps ensure that's what happens.

Would be even better if Liverpool manage a win at Chelsea (unlikely but you never know) and then go one behind the filth with one to play or even in front of them if they slip up next week.

No one should ever want them to win especially when it doesn't have a major impact on us.

Utter bollocks. You should always want the result that is best for City not the one that is worst for the Rags.

I would if it mattered but2nd or 3rd...can you explain how it benefits us one way or another other than a few quid.
Yes I can ====== Runner up goes on our honours list , 3rd doesn't
CaliforniaBlue said:
Anyone mentioned the role Kolarov played in the goal yet? He was the one who deflected the ball back to Hart, and then he made an 80 yard run to overlap Silva, which caused the full-back to change his mind and follow Kolarov instead of closing down Silva (bad choice). Silva then had all the time in the world to play that sublime pass to Aguero's perfectly timed run.
That was Zabba, I'm fairly sure. It was highlighted on Sky post game (Thierry Henry, I think).
Uwe`s Grandad said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
OB1 said:
Utter bollocks. You should always want the result that is best for City not the one that is worst for the Rags.

I would if it mattered but2nd or 3rd...can you explain how it benefits us one way or another other than a few quid.
Yes I can ====== Runner up goes on our honours list , 3rd doesn't

That's convinced me then...
jimharri said:
CaliforniaBlue said:
Anyone mentioned the role Kolarov played in the goal yet? He was the one who deflected the ball back to Hart, and then he made an 80 yard run to overlap Silva, which caused the full-back to change his mind and follow Kolarov instead of closing down Silva (bad choice). Silva then had all the time in the world to play that sublime pass to Aguero's perfectly timed run.
That was Zabba, I'm fairly sure. It was highlighted on Sky post game (Thierry Henry, I think).
You should know by now that Henry talks utter bollocks.

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