Spurs Post Match Thread

jimharri said:
TCIB said:
Just to tip Bill over the edge...Milner is wank in he eh lads :-D

I shall fuck of now before i get a free night off bm.
Can we have that in English please? Or is your other hand busy right now?

I was attempting to speak like the average mancunian, i have always been poor with slang and such things tbh.
I think it stems from a fear of sounding like that Tim Westwood fella trying to sound street (stupid idiot) and only succeding in sounding like a fool.
TCIB said:
jimharri said:
TCIB said:
Just to tip Bill over the edge...Milner is wank in he eh lads :-D

I shall fuck of now before i get a free night off bm.
Can we have that in English please? Or is your other hand busy right now?

I was attempting to speak like the average mancunian, i have always been poor with slang and such things tbh.
I think it stems from a fear of sounding like that Tim Westwood fella trying to sound street (stupid idiot) and only succeding in sounding like a fool.
Nothing wrong in sounding/looking like a fool. According to my mate.
de niro said:
grim up north said:
ninjamonkey said:
I sang Milners name at the game yesterday, Doesn't mean i thought he was great. I thought he was average at best. The fact he works his arse off will mean he often gets a pass from fans, in reality, his workrate was his only commendable contribution to the game yesterday.

He is English runs around a lot therefore is the dogs according to the fuckwittery on here, to most he is bang average

has this place become a rag forum?

does anyone on here go to the games?

those admitting singing his name, are you fucking sheep singing along when you think the opposite.

contrary c**ts.

i hope he gives us a beasting when he goes to liverpool.

I sang his song because it was a reactionary song to something he'd just done that the fans appreciated. Like a big chunk of songs at games are. I rate Milner, I believe he's a good player and has his worth in our squad and we'll miss his qualities next season. His movement when linking up with Silva is vastly underrated. However, he contributed nothing of note yesterday. He wasn't bad, he just wasn't worth mentioning.

Milner's best performances come when we're up against more physical sides that get in our faces, his energy, drive and determination are vital in games like that. likewise, in games where the opposition are better or have a very attacking flank, Milner has his worth. In games like yesterday though he never really contributes, we need somebody with a bit more guile, creativity and skill. Unfortunately for us right now we don't have anybody.
de niro said:
i hope he gives us a beasting when he goes to liverpool.

You know, there's a difference between tongue in cheek and cock in mouth.

If you saw this comment from a guy with 1 post you'd ban them on the spot
Damocles said:
de niro said:
i hope he gives us a beasting when he goes to liverpool.

You know, there's a difference between tongue in cheek and cock in mouth.

If you saw this comment from a guy with 1 post you'd ban them on the spot

De Niro is half insane troll half mod, trace amounts of sanity :-)
Damocles said:
de niro said:
i hope he gives us a beasting when he goes to liverpool.

You know, there's a difference between tongue in cheek and cock in mouth.

If you saw this comment from a guy with 1 post you'd ban them on the spot

2 points Kreskin.

1, no i wouldn't
2, its how strongly i feel about the shit jimmy gets.no woner he wants away.
TCIB said:
De Niro is half insane troll half mod, trace amounts of sanity :-)

He's a good bloke from what I know, a "proper Blue". Possibly the most respected regular poster on the forum

But he should be called out for comments suggesting that he hopes City have a bad game in a future match as everybody else should. It's an example of where the forum arguments have made people say things that they don't really think.

Fast forward six months and we're playing Liverpool with Milner lining up for them, I don't think he's sat there thinking "I hope we get twatted by Milner today".
Damocles said:
TCIB said:
De Niro is half insane troll half mod, trace amounts of sanity :-)

He's a good bloke from what I know, a "proper Blue". Possibly the most respected regular poster on the forum

But he should be called out for comments suggesting that he hopes City have a bad game in a future match as everybody else should. It's an example of where the forum arguments have made people say things that they don't really think.

Fast forward six months and we're playing Liverpool with Milner lining up for them, I don't think he's sat there thinking "I hope we get twatted by Milner today".

:) good one.
TangerineSteve17 said:
Damocles said:
TCIB said:
De Niro is half insane troll half mod, trace amounts of sanity :-)

He's a good bloke from what I know, a "proper Blue". Possibly the most respected regular poster on the forum

But he should be called out for comments suggesting that he hopes City have a bad game in a future match as everybody else should. It's an example of where the forum arguments have made people say things that they don't really think.

Fast forward six months and we're playing Liverpool with Milner lining up for them, I don't think he's sat there thinking "I hope we get twatted by Milner today".

:) good one.

Milner's new song for next season when the Scousers visit the Etihad.

There's only two greedy Bast***s

I like Milner as a player but that goes out of the window of James joins the red dippers!

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