He lost the England manager’s job (a job he was doing well, compared to most others who have had it) and faced months, if not years, of criticism and ridicule for what he said. Should he never be allowed to have another job?
It’s worth remembering that his comments about disabled people and karma were made public because he was asked to express his religious beliefs for an interview by Matt Dickinson of the Times (a journalist who had long had it in for Hoddle). Now, you and I and most other people in the West might find such beliefs to be highly distasteful and just plain daft. But they happen to be beliefs that are espoused by the great majority of far eastern religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism and Jainism - that represent, between them, some 1.75 billion people. In essence, then, his crime was nothing more than to answer Dickinson’s question honestly. And the subsequent reaction actually amounted to religious discrimination. There is no law against belief in Karma.
Who are these others that have been hung out to dry?