SSN and The Times

Clevers said:
I never cease to be amazed that the fans of other clubs and the media seem to think our owners have no business acumen whatsoever or that they have purchased the club as a hobby.

Of course they have business acumen, nobody doubts that.

The second point about the club being a hobby, well, if you consider the amount already spent and written off and what's in store in the next few years, I don't see City owners ever recovering what they've already spent on the club, let alone make a profit on their investment.

Of course it's a hobby, just like Abramovich will never get his money back at Chelsea. It's not a dig at Khaldoon or City, it's just reality. The way I see it, it's part hobby, part prestige thing, imagine if you're a football fan and also a billionaire, you can afford to throw away a decent chunk of money and get your own club to compete at the top level. It's like playing Championship manager in real life. Most businessmen would never even think about it, but there are exceptions.
marcspurs said:
depps said:
Just to correct another bit of nonsense from the Spurs fan - The Champions League places for 2011/12 season are already set in stone so no matter how wank Spurs or anybody else are in Europe there will still be 4 spots available for next season. This seasons results effect the coefficients for 2012/13 and even then for England to fall below Germany or Italy would probably mean every single English club being knocked out at the earliest stage possible (I haven't done the math but just looking at the table I would actually hazard a guess that it is impossible for England to loose a spot based on how teams get on this season no matter what happens).

Coefficients are worked out on a rolling 5 year basis..... have you factored the good years like 2007/08 when Manure played Chavs, that high rating for that season disappears next season.....

A year ago we were 23 points ahead of Germany..... today the gap is 16 points.......

The estimated (as these things are based on actual results in European competition and not set in stone) co-efficients for 2011 gives a difference of 12 points to Germany and 2012 could be as little as 4 points.....

Now if English clubs do well then the chances are we will be fine, thanks to Fulham reaching the Europa League Final last season our coefficient was not dented too badly last season... it negated Liverpool, Manure and Arsenal's failings (in comparison to the previous 2 or 3 years)........

I don't want Arsenal or Chelsea to win the thing, but similarly reaching the KO stages helps us all in the long run..... you have to see that.

If all English teams get knocked out in the group stages of both competitions our coefficient will be seriously affected..... that allied to German clubs progressing to the KO stages for arguments sake could see them pass us in coefficient terms and therefore take our 4th place in the CL....

These things are not set in stone and are based on a rolling 5 year cycle...... the CL places for this season 1-4 are set as the season has started.... if Engish clubs fuck up this season then they could lose it for next season.....

8 clubs fighting for 3 spaces, I don't care how many top players you have or how is spent, is much harder than 8 clubs fighting over 4 spaces (especially when Arse, Manure and Chavs all having the experience of being there before, that is why it is so hard to break into the top 4, and you cannot just buy your way in, it does not guarantee success).

Right nice to meet you all.... I must do some work!!!!

As I said, and you actually seem to know despite your first post, there will be 4 teams in the champions league next season no matter what so we don't need to cheer ye on. Sustained English failure over a period could see the PL loosing a spot but its highly unlikely that one bad season will do it.

...and ze Germans have already moved up to third and have 4 spots for next season so its actually Italy that have to pass us before we will loose a spot and they have been on a downward trajectory for a number of years so not much to worry about there. In fact if clubs like Spurs, Everton and Villa would actually take the Europa League seriously instead of pissing about in it the whole time the Premier League would never even need to take notice of the coefficients... so for that reason I won't be wishing Spurs well in the Champion's League
bobrivers said:
Clevers said:
I never cease to be amazed that the fans of other clubs and the media seem to think our owners have no business acumen whatsoever or that they have purchased the club as a hobby.

Of course they have business acumen, nobody doubts that.

The second point about the club being a hobby, well, if you consider the amount already spent and written off and what's in store in the next few years, I don't see City owners ever recovering what they've already spent on the club, let alone make a profit on their investment.

Of course it's a hobby, just like Abramovich will never get his money back at Chelsea. It's not a dig at Khaldoon or City, it's just reality. The way I see it, it's part hobby, part prestige thing, imagine if you're a football fan and also a billionaire, you can afford to throw away a decent chunk of money and get your own club to compete at the top level. It's like playing Championship manager in real life. Most businessmen would never even think about it, but there are exceptions.

It is not a hobby. It is a vehicle to promote Abu Dhabi on the world tourism map. Enjoy our good fortune
Interesting points from the Spurs fan, but I think everybody needs to wise up on the forthcoming UEFA regulations.

First of all, the number of clubs that currently dont meet the criteria is staggering. UEFA wont have a competition if it is enforced.

They might as well scrap any east european teams in the champs league, as every Ukrainian, Russian etc team in the comp is funded by benefactors.

And when you have teams like Chelsea, Barca and Madrid making massive losses then you just know the rules are not gonna stand in their present format.

I also think the Spurs fan needs to understand that Sheikh Mansour is probably the most powerful man in European football behind Platini. Whether we have any history in europe or not, we are sitting at the top table now.

We will be in the champs league by the time any rules come into play, and will be there for the forseasble future.
marcspurs, I don't think it was your intention to WUM but if you think you can come on here and educate us about the Financial Fair Play rules, you're deluded. I doubt these rules have had such a thorough going over than they've had here. Perhaps on ragcafe where they were probably salivating at the prospect of our impending doom, but those twats aside, they've had plenty of attention and there are all sorts of exceptions which would allow us to pass the test. As has been mentioned - only contracts before a certain date are considered; owners are still allowed to put some money in; non-football operations revenue generated around the ground counts as long as it is connected to the club; money spent on infrastructure (new training ground/facilities, ground improvements etc.) - which we have done, are excluded; AND, it's quite a big one, even if the club is still making a loss after that, if the club shows it is moving towards compliance they are still likely to escape punishment.

Just about the only sensible thing you've said is that they won't hesitate to punish us. No, they bloody well won't. But if they're taking us down, plenty will go down with us.

Incidentally, as you mentioned a new stadium and no debt. How's that going to happen? Who's funding this stadium?

Spurs are a very well run club though so congratulations, but don't rely on us being shackled by the Financial Fair Play rules.
Mastes1 said:
City Raider said:
Sky alone are responsible for the ridiculous state of financial affairs in English football. They bludgeoned in, threw money at it and changed the face of football forever.

And who benefitted most? Manchester United, constantly spending more than anyone until Abramovitch came along. So what on earth Fergie is prattling on about, I don't know. Hypocrites all.
Sky created the climate where it is impossible to compete without major finance, now they're worried a bigger player is calling the shots. They've lost control.
Actually Liverpool had spent the most since the premiership started until Abramovich and your sheik came along.

Which must mean United spent nothing? Right...

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