SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA - Now inc Peter Crouch!!

Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Tbilisi said:
redmizzle said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Oh come on. His booking on Sunday was an attempted tackle where the ball had long since gone and he took out the player. It was a nailed on booking for me. I dont want him even making tackles. He cant tackle.

I dont want him to go because he has shown this season that he is talented and can win matches but he has to change or will end up wanting to leave because teams are just going to keep targetting him.

Im not talking just about his booking on Sunday. Im talking about that stat you've wheeled out to make him look like some sort of murderer on the pitch. 17 yellows and 3 reds mean nothing to me because most of them are harsh or unwarranted and you know it.

West Brom was not harsh,Kiev was not harsh but Liverpool was.

Well clearly they were to some. Most of his bookings last year had me screaming at him not the ref. Clumsy fouls, dissent etc...The Liverpool 2nd one was harsh bit his first was a booking. His foul on Sunday was a booking for me. I cant see why people dont think that. It was clumsy and totally uneccesary.

Why the fck does he have to get so involved in shit that doesnt involve him?

We have plenty of players to make the tackles. I want him in dangerous areas making things happen which he is very capable of as shown this season.

If we lose matches coming up and say Dzeko has a shit game then we really cant just criticise him as Balo is leaving Bobby with fewer choices and this is not acceptable.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Mancini should stop hyping Balo up there with Messi and Cristiano. This is one of the reasons he will never be as good as those.

Balo spends about 25% to 50% of the season both suspended/injured. It's not coincidence that it's him again in this situation. Intentional or not.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Jumanji said:
TCIB said:
SWP's back said:
Bollocks, if it had been Rooney there would be no ban.

I said "we" as in city fans. We would want his head on a platter and with good reason.

I can't comment on if Rooney would or would not have been done. I would like to think he would.
Bollocks. Rooney like Parker is one of the English "Golden Boys."

Compare: How many times have you heard Balotelli referred to in the media as "Bad Boy Balotelli?"

When Rooney viciously hacked that player, the FA sent a DELEGATION to APPEAL his violent conduct ban.

Compare: Balotelli does something that can't even be proven as deliberate, he gets a BAN from the FA.

Also, the FA did nothing about this, despite the media uproar:

As i have stated quiet clearly im not taking into consideration other inconsistencies. Just like in real life you don't point at others you take responsibility for your own actions.

Balo stamped and that puts him in a dodgy area. If he didn't stamp, no ban; simple.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Proof Howarb Webb is a gutless spineless w*nker he saw it alright once the trial by media started and you have c*nts like that Darren Rag *srse licker Lewis screaming for Balo to be charged he had no chance.

I guess with Webb its once a rag always a rag, had it been Rug Head he'd have seen everything.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Im sorry but the F.A. appealed this ..... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> (kicking the fuck out of a player) on a international level. But yet something that anyone but Mario knows to be a accident or with purpose, gets 4 matches what a fucking joke.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Thaksinssoldier said:
Appeal it.

And recall Adebayor,I dont care if he can play for us or not,fuck spurs and I hope Redknapp gets truly fucked over by the taxman.

The above after all we are paying most of his wages!
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

as Captain Mainwaring would say "Stupid boy" when I saw it in real time never mind slo mo I thought it was deliberate.
Could cost us dearly but we have to roll sleeves up and get on with it.

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