Stabbed by our own fans

blue remix said:
This kind of shit puts me off taking my little boy who hasn't been to a match yet. He's 2. The horror of me getting battered in front of him doesn't bare thinking about. these dicks are ruining football

-- Tue May 10, 2011 10:54 am --

This kind of shit puts me off taking my little boy who hasn't been to a match yet. He's 2. The horror of me getting battered in front of him doesn't bare thinking about. these dicks are ruining football

I can't speak about this incident but I'd say if you don't want trouble you won't have any. Even after the semi last season when there were reports of all sorts of violence I didn't see a thing. Mind you I did have to leg it to the train back to uni as soon as the final whistle went.
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Sorry if it seems daft lads but I just dont like seeing stories like this. I thought we were different,
Sadly we have our idiots like all clubs do. A few seasons ago we played at Boro on St Patricks Day. I got the train with my lad and on the way back, there were 4 City fans in the carriage. These were not kids but blokes in their 30's and 40's who were neatly dressed but obviously pissed up.

They started singing the runway song and were told to shut up by the other blues. An argument then ensued but they stopped. They then started on the "With St George in my heart/No surrender to the IRA" songs and loudly making racist comments (particularly about the Irish, given the day). My suspicion is that they were ex-squaddies as they had that look plus weren't too keen on the Irish.

An Irish guy who was pissed up and dressed for the occasion made the mistake of coming in to the carriage to wish every a happy St Pat's day and they went for him. He got out but they followed him and apparently attacked him further down the train. The police eventually met the train and took them off. If they'd have got hold of that Irish guy on his own they would have done him serious damage.

Sadly, being City fans (though we're better than some) doesn't give people immunity from being dickheads.
masterwig said:
blue remix said:
This kind of shit puts me off taking my little boy who hasn't been to a match yet. He's 2. The horror of me getting battered in front of him doesn't bare thinking about. these dicks are ruining football

-- Tue May 10, 2011 10:54 am --

This kind of shit puts me off taking my little boy who hasn't been to a match yet. He's 2. The horror of me getting battered in front of him doesn't bare thinking about. these dicks are ruining football

I can't speak about this incident but I'd say if you don't want trouble you won't have any. Even after the semi last season when there were reports of all sorts of violence I didn't see a thing. Mind you I did have to leg it to the train back to uni as soon as the final whistle went.

So the West Ham dad and his son were looking for trouble then? Get real.There are wankers everywhere 'looking' for trouble and sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time...and that could be anyone of us.
Blue Tooth said:
masterwig said:
I can't speak about this incident but I'd say if you don't want trouble you won't have any. Even after the semi last season when there were reports of all sorts of violence I didn't see a thing. Mind you I did have to leg it to the train back to uni as soon as the final whistle went.

So the West Ham dad and his son were looking for trouble then? Get real.There are wankers everywhere 'looking' for trouble and sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time...and that could be anyone of us.

Don't want incidents like that to put that poster off taking his son. As I said, I've never had any trouble and keep my head down. Maybe I've just been lucky and these Hammers were unlucky.

I hope the incident doesn't sour relationships between the clubs' fans. I had a good chat with a couple of Hammers heading to Piccadilly. Wished each other well.
Wish I'd seen it

I've trained my whole life for situations like that

Disgusting little pussies

Find em lock em up throw away the key

Sadly even if they are caught they'll be unlikely to do more than a few months inside
I agree they should be found and strung up,and yes some city fans are twats i suppose all clubs have them,dont think we have to be labelled as the worst though i reckon the red half take care of that,havnt seen any blue fans beating women & children up yet..
Santiago Street . said:
Wish I'd seen it

I've trained my whole life for situations like that

Disgusting little pussies

Find em lock em up throw away the key

Sadly even if they are caught they'll be unlikely to do more than a few months inside

they'll probably become celebrities aswell....
Blue Tooth said:
masterwig said:
I can't speak about this incident but I'd say if you don't want trouble you won't have any. Even after the semi last season when there were reports of all sorts of violence I didn't see a thing. Mind you I did have to leg it to the train back to uni as soon as the final whistle went.

So the West Ham dad and his son were looking for trouble then? Get real.There are wankers everywhere 'looking' for trouble and sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time...and that could be anyone of us.
its geezers like that who wish it was the 80s still, apart from the banter at the game there was hardly any hostility between the fans. hope they dont use this incident as an example of all of us.
To be honest that's what I'm afraid of when reading stuff on here like "If you are not form Manchester, you're not a real supporter".

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