Stabbed by our own fans

Whoever was responsible for these cowardly attacks are of no value to society whatsoever. I'd quite happily double tap the fuckers. I am afraid it's society in general that's the fault. If the police did get them, they'd only go to court and get a slap on their wrists.
If they want to fight shift them out to Afghan clearing mines, because that's all they're worth.
Who ever knows them has a moral responsibilty to bubble the fuckers. I have said it before every so called football hooligan I have come up against is a fucking shithouse, from the 40 plus year olds directing the little boys to the little foot soldiers themselves, fucking waste of rations.
Don't follow our club go somewhere else take your pent up anger from never being abvle to read and being bullied at school, never having the love of your mother and fuck off.
Its fucking disgusting that this happened.

Even if it was a United fan, there was a child. What the fuck is wrong with people, how can you attack someone in front of their child...

Prison is a joke... Dig a big hole and fill it. Some people don't deserve to live.
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Reckon it could have been two rags in city shirts to give us a bad reputation?

its the kind of thing theyd do

no true blue would do that

im appalled

and after working in nottingham for 5 or 6 years i know a lot of blues down there, hopefully it isnt anyone i know

i hope the attackers are caught and the victim makes a quick recovery


whats disconerning about this is that these 'fans' obviously premeditated the attack by having the screwdriver on them in the first place. There's no proof they managed to get into COMS but the fact they were around unchallenged aside from this fan beating up a opposing supporter, especially with a weapon to hand should seriously have police strategists rethinking about flow in/out of the stadium.

Obviously you cant protect everyone at everytime and incidents like this will happen, but to me its just a let down of not one but a number of agencies that should have been 'on the ball' which is worrying. People don't carry screwdrivers around as weapons for fun.
utter scum and not wanted at City

if anyone knows who did this they should do the decent thing and grass the scum up....
TrueBlueTrue said:
whats disconerning about this is that these 'fans' obviously premeditated the attack by having the screwdriver on them in the first place. There's no proof they managed to get into COMS but the fact they were around unchallenged aside from this fan beating up a opposing supporter, especially with a weapon to hand should seriously have police strategists rethinking about flow in/out of the stadium.

Obviously you cant protect everyone at everytime and incidents like this will happen, but to me its just a let down of not one but a number of agencies that should have been 'on the ball' which is worrying. People don't carry screwdrivers around as weapons for fun.
So someone walks around with a screw driver unchallenged and it's the polices fault?
Around the ground theere is a section 60 in place on match days which means anyone can be searched without the grounds of the search being specified because there is a likelyhood that violence/disorder will happen.
If it's in town then the section 60 would not apply and the usual section 1 PACE stop search powers would be in effect. In order to search someone the police would have to have grounds to carry out such a search on someone. Fortunately/unfortunately which ever way your view is the police cannot search anyone they feel like just on the off chance they might have a weapon. This means that someone can walk around with a knife/ screwdriver/ gun in their pocket and not be searched or even stopped.
How about it is the fault of the fukwit who decides to take a weapon out with them and decides to use it? Or the fault of any other fukwit that decides to go out onto the streets tooled up any given day.
Think before you post it's always easy to blame someone after the event.
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Reckon it could have been two rags in city shirts to give us a bad reputation?

its the kind of thing theyd do

no true blue would do that
im appalled

and after working in nottingham for 5 or 6 years i know a lot of blues down there, hopefully it isnt anyone i know

i hope the attackers are caught and the victim makes a quick recovery
How naive are you?! There's some right bell ends who support our club, you know, just like any club. Manchester is rough a coty as it gets in the UK, with that comes mindless, thuggish twats!
The cookie monster said:
I agree they should be found and strung up,and yes some city fans are twats i suppose all clubs have them,dont think we have to be labelled as the worst though i reckon the red half take care of that,havnt seen any blue fans beating women & children up yet..

Dear oh fuckin sir are tool.
Pigeonho said:
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Sorry if it seems daft lads but I just dont like seeing stories like this

I thought we were different, i know these two lads are only a minority but its still not very nice to see things like this happen

I hope the club offer the victim a nice package for wembley, ticket/hospitality etc, its not there fault, but it might help him recover, would be a nice gesture anyway
Why did you think that though? Mate, some of the most vile people I know are City fans. This whole myth that we are a peoples club and all our fans are top notch is exactly that, a myth. if some random bloke comes up to you and bottles you for no reason, there is just as much chance he is a blue as he is a red or any other colour for that matter. I've seen Blues fighting Blues in the old Kippax, rolling down the steps twatting shit out of each other. I've seen Blues knock another Blue out in The Sherwood for what appeared to be no reason. Just last week we had the thread from MackemBlue who said he had a pint threw over him. Thats fuck all in the scheme of things, but it could have lead to it kicking off proper. There are some nasty bastards who follow this club, just as there are any other club but there are also some real decent Blues too, just like there are decent fans of all the other clubs. Nobheads are nobheads no matter who they support.

Absolutely (& unfortunately) correct. I got belted by a City fan a few years ago at West Brom. The reason.... I had a Midlands accent & was in with the City fans. Go figure :-S
Bugs Bunny said:
Pigeonho said:
Why did you think that though? Mate, some of the most vile people I know are City fans. This whole myth that we are a peoples club and all our fans are top notch is exactly that, a myth. if some random bloke comes up to you and bottles you for no reason, there is just as much chance he is a blue as he is a red or any other colour for that matter. I've seen Blues fighting Blues in the old Kippax, rolling down the steps twatting shit out of each other. I've seen Blues knock another Blue out in The Sherwood for what appeared to be no reason. Just last week we had the thread from MackemBlue who said he had a pint threw over him. Thats fuck all in the scheme of things, but it could have lead to it kicking off proper. There are some nasty bastards who follow this club, just as there are any other club but there are also some real decent Blues too, just like there are decent fans of all the other clubs. Nobheads are nobheads no matter who they support.

Absolutely (& unfortunately) correct. I got belted by a City fan a few years ago at West Brom. The reason.... I had a Midlands accent & was in with the City fans. Go figure :-S
That's what I mean, you have to wonder what the fuck mentality people have. I know people like to believe we have the perfect fans but that's just as Blue tinted as it can get. My ex's husband, who goes home and away with United, says he has seen City fans belting anyone and everyone at OT. Now he said that after I said about how scummy their fans are for hitting women and kids at our place, but it got me thinking, why wouldn't we have fans like that if they have? Nob heads are just nob heads, regardless of which football club they support. Another example which will always stick in my head is how our 'fans' used to behave outside the Claremont at the end of season home game. I've seen some of the most mindless acts of violence and vandalism possible outside there but one thing was ALWAYS common. As soon as the punch, bottle thrown or brick thrown at its target, they would always be on their toes immediately, and it was always to the back garden of the pub where their equally shit house mates were waiting, usually laughing as they came back 'heroes'. I never got intimidated at the match, ever, but that last game of season there was always one where I thought it's best to keep eyes in the back of my head. Sad really.

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