Stabbed by our own fans

the police want to release vidio footage off them so we all can see who they are ban them from the club then see if they can fight like real men against real men u dnt batter sum poor guy with is kids there just thugs and we dnt want there surport ctwd bring them to me al gladly teech them a lesson[
This reminds me of the when an Everton nearly stabbed to death for stepping in to protect a Liverpool fan. I hate Football violence as the simple reality is most of the victims are those who didn't want any trouble, not those who look for trouble and then spend their whole time throwing traffic cones at each other and gesticulating wildly. When these groups meet 95% of the time there's not a punch thrown. Take a look at Chelsea v Cardiff last year there's only about 1 punch thrown. The rest of time they just stand there doing noting behaving like 7 year old kids. Most of the people that get injured are usually fans minding their own business and are set upon. On saturday City Fans and Everton fans drank together before the match without a hint of trouble, just a bit of banter and that's it. Afterwards I saw Everton fans and City fans talking to each other not fighting or causing any trouble thats how it should be. I spoke to a group of City fans and didn't get any abuse. At the weekend it was demonstrated that fans can passionately support their team and still be well behaved. There was lots of banter yet nobody took it too far, thats how it should be.
This incident is very 'unlike' City fans these days, and the apparent carrying of screwdrivers in a relatively low profile game with West Ham only adds to the mystery .... when was the last time City fans stabbed anybody , let alone their own kind???

And why attack a guy and his young son , it's hardly our style ??

But it's hard to explain why they had City shirts on if they weren't City fans ..... do our few remaining hardcore hoolies even wear colours??

the citizens said:
i had a city fan pull a knife on me back in the late 80's at fulham , made worse due to my London accent . lucky for me i had a london city supporters card on me ..

You would kinda expect it though , back in the 70's/80's ... the carrying of weapons by some City hooligans , as so many rival hooligan gangs were 'armed'

but today ??

This incident seems so 'unlike' City fans , and i'm really struggling to recall any incidents involving City fans/screwdrivers/knives in recent memory.
fucking dirty bastards they are not football fans but fucking scumbags. hope your ok mate and well done for standing up for what's right. wh the fuck takes a screwdriver to a football game!
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Reckon it could have been two rags in city shirts to give us a bad reputation?

its the kind of thing theyd do

no true blue would do that

im appalled

and after working in nottingham for 5 or 6 years i know a lot of blues down there, hopefully it isnt anyone i know

i hope the attackers are caught and the victim makes a quick recovery

Yeah, these are the same rags who attended Blackburn and Everton away, so they could make us look bad with all the Munich chants. They boo the players at home and won't join in the Poznan. They tell the gestapo that you are swearing or smoking at COMs and get you chucked out of the ground, so they can count all the empty seats for ragcafe.

Have you heard about all the mass graves under wembley way from all the women and children they disposed of at the semi final. They even paid Carlos Tevez's wife to leave the country and take the kids, just to unsettle him.

They will stop at nothing these rags. Next time you meet a blue with a non manc accent, then that is deffo a rag infiltraor and you must set off your rape alarms and beat them over the head with your inflatable bananas, otherwise we'll be over-run like the red squirrels.

I'm off to make another tinfoil hat, stay frosty, blues.<br /><br />-- Tue May 10, 2011 3:20 pm --<br /><br />
WNRH said:
WTF is wrong with certain sections of our support at the minute? It's fucking embarrassing.

If these two are caught, one of the punishments should be having the rag badge tattooed on their face.

The victim also says that he is dissapointed no one helped out, him getting stabbed is the reason why, i know a lad who saw a poor lad get beaten up and he just stood and watched and when i later told him why he never went and helped he said it was because he didn't fancy being putting his life at risk and putting his family through hell all for the sake of helping a stranger and i could understand that, it's the sad society we are living in now.

I was listening to this crime expert on the radio, and he was saying that If you were being attacked in your home and you wanted to alert your neighbours, the best thing to shout is "FIRE", as nobody fancies fighting off a gang of carjackers in their PJs.
Sugarloaf said:
I was listening to this crime expert on the radio, and he was saying that If you were being attacked in your home and you wanted to alert your neighbours, the best thing to shout is "FIRE", as nobody fancies fighting off a gang of carjackers in their PJs.

Frankly, if I came across a gang of carjackes in their PJs I'd probably just laugh at their stupidity for not getting dressed first.
What makes me laugh is that these nobheads have a need to carry a knife.
We are not hunter gatherers any more, well most of us anyway, why do they have a need to carry a knife?
Were they carrying a fishing rod? were they bollocks.
Isn't a good slap good enough or some verbals, no they have to be big and hard and stick a knife in somebody.
I hope to god they are locked up mate and don't forget the criminal injuries compensation, that will pay for many years season tickets and a good holiday......................
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:

This just proves that all clubs have dickheads who will attack innocent people with children.

This and the story I read about a fan being attacked on the spiral staircase by other city fans the other week is just vile.

Some people are born in the gutter,live in the gutter and die in the gutter.

But not to worry even if you get caught and go to prison, ITV turn you into a fcking celebrity by running a series on prisons.

Great example to her kids the woman who decided that marrying an armed robber was a good idea!

What's strangeways got to do with this story? Why even watch it if you don't like it?<br /><br />-- Tue May 10, 2011 5:00 pm --<br /><br />
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:

This just proves that all clubs have dickheads who will attack innocent people with children.

This and the story I read about a fan being attacked on the spiral staircase by other city fans the other week is just vile.

Some people are born in the gutter,live in the gutter and die in the gutter.

But not to worry even if you get caught and go to prison, ITV turn you into a fcking celebrity by running a series on prisons.

Great example to her kids the woman who decided that marrying an armed robber was a good idea!

What's strangeways got to do with this story? Why even watch it if you don't like it?

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