Stadium Expansion (Confirmed)

Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
LoveCity said:
Hahahaha! Look at the responses.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 3862506496</a>
Their tears taste delicious.
"Vishwas", who put the comment about Empty seats, has in his profile "I dream of seeing a game at OT"
united 'fans' such as that seem to call City fans "plastics" far more routinely than the locals, which is comical in itself, but also because they seem like the hangers-on round the school bully in the playground constantly looking for acceptance.

I have no problem with fans from abroad following an English club, but a man's got to know his limitations. For a foreign united fan to describe any City fan of any standing as a plastic, says a great deal about their own insecurities.
jrb said:

Skirt across various websites that are reporting the expansion plans and they are full of Rags making comments that we can't fill the current stadium, nevermiind an expanded one.

As others have stated like myself, it's their latest jibe, following on from 34 years, massive, council house, etc.

The thing is, the joke is on them. Don't forget, according to them the Sheikh would get bored.

F*** me, he's never been so bored. :-) ( keep on reminding them)

Saw one game against Liverpool, got bored and told Khaldoon to make it the biggest and bestest club in the world and then totally forgot about us..mind you there have been times when he thought about having a word with the wifey about the shopping because the petty cash account did behave erratically
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

Stir crazy said:
"The whacking great pillars" isn't that the large drain which is at the back of the south stand now?

Yeah, i'd say you're right, looks like that to me too.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

Stir crazy said:
"The whacking great pillars" isn't that the large drain which is at the back of the south stand now?

I think it looks too thick to just be for drainage, though you may be right - it may be half-hollow to allow for drainage also.

Something I missed earlier. Here is the artist's impression of the inside of the stadium, facing the new expanding stand:


Note the extra screen on the right hand side. Interesting.

Also, I've edited my post on the previous page with a higher resolution picture I got off the MUEN website.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Their tears taste delicious.
"Vishwas", who put the comment about Empty seats, has in his profile "I dream of seeing a game at OT"
united 'fans' such as that seem to call City fans "plastics" far more routinely than the locals, which is comical in itself, but also because they seem like the hangers-on round the school bully in the playground constantly looking for acceptance.

I have no problem with fans from abroad following an English club, but a man's got to know his limitations. For a foreign united fan to describe any City fan of any standing as a plastic, says a great deal about their own insecurities.
I pulled some guy from India recently on twitter who was happily tweeting "Manchester is red". I asked him when he'd last been to mcr and he said "maybe I go one day".
Didsbury Dave said:
Apologies if already covered, but am I right in assuming the club have ignored the chance to allocate one end as an 'atmosphere' end?

Big mistake if they have.

we had an open meeting with the club 5th September and this scenario was described to everyone there by danny wilson. this way it doesn't mean forcing moving anyone particularly to move...people have the option of staying where they are, so it avoids a repeat of the north stand situation a couple of years ago. also instead of giving away fans 3000 or minimum one tier (1500) you could actually give away fans just the seats in level 1 if it was wigan, ie 500 seats, or two tiers - 1500 and if you wanted to give a club all 3000 seats they would take all 3 tiers.

plainly for this to work we need the right sort of fans in the new blocks. otherwise the singers will still be split. so it's a case of do we want 111 moving into 115 ? or staying where they are.
in previous images the screen above 212 was not going to be there

as there were new seats in a third tier section tapering down from

the east stand towards the new 3rd tier in the south stand.

in these images the screen is still in place above 212 but the seating plan

shows 3 tiers including two pricing bands above 212

wonder which is correct
wearethesouthstand said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Apologies if already covered, but am I right in assuming the club have ignored the chance to allocate one end as an 'atmosphere' end?

Big mistake if they have.

we had an open meeting with the club 5th September and this scenario was described to everyone there by danny wilson. this way it doesn't mean forcing moving anyone particularly to move...people have the option of staying where they are, so it avoids a repeat of the north stand situation a couple of years ago. also instead of giving away fans 3000 or minimum one tier (1500) you could actually give away fans just the seats in level 1 if it was wigan, ie 500 seats, or two tiers - 1500 and if you wanted to give a club all 3000 seats they would take all 3 tiers.

plainly for this to work we need the right sort of fans in the new blocks. otherwise the singers will still be split. so it's a case of do we want 111 moving into 115 ? or staying where they are.
The club should do everything they can to get the 111 area into the new south stand. This new south stand should be being billed as the new kippax. The club are missing a unique opportunity to give the ground one voice. Once the waiting list opens its too late.

They should be differentiating between these two areas in terms of who they want sitting there.
Re: Blocks 115/114: Made For Proper Singning Sections

jrb said:

Seeing as the away fans are losing block 115 and half of block 114, I'm hoping the club are thinking what I'm currently thinking?

Turning those one and a half blocks into proper singing sections. Singing sections the fans have always wanted.

I sincerely hope the club takes this opportunity to look at this idea, and if need be, work with and alongside the 1894 Group and the fans to make it become a reality. A part of the stadium where dedicated singers can met up, get together, and sing as much as possible throughout the game.

As I've mentioned on numerous occasions, a *1894 season ticket*, limited to those 2 blocks would be great.

An additional £10 could be added to the price of the season ticket to pay for flags, banners, displays, etc. That would bring in £7500 per season.(750 seats) The 1894 group working alongside the club could decide what that money is spent on. I'm £100% sure people wouldn't mind paying it.

I appreciate there is so much going on at the club ATM, but I sincerely hope the club will at least look at the idea and see if it is workable, and if it fits in with what the club wants for the fans and the stadium?

Any feedback would be welcome, regardless. If nothing else it gives the club an idea of what the fans think of the idea.(tin hat on)

Great ideas there, spot on matey. I think the future is bright blue for the the club with the most potential and biggest investment for the future in Europe.

It's happening !
LoveCity said:
Doesn't Islam prohibit statues? I doubt he'd mind us having statues of club legends, but one of himself might be taken as an insult by him.

Not exactly prohibits but they are considered a bit iffy..Arab art have never leaned much toward statues.
A nice mosaic showing something symbolic might be more the local style, or perhaps something a bit monumental like the pic below.


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