Stadium Expansion (Confirmed)

Looks great.
Love that third pic DiscoSteve posted.
Add the completed academy & bridge (wonder if there's a mock up of these new visuals and the academy doing the rounds?) and you've got a bloody pretty area...and that's not even taking into account any Collar Site 'goings on'.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

DiscoSteve said:
the club may have no plans to go above 60k right now but the design absolutely allows for it by deepening the sides (and swallowing or replacing the spirals) and raising the back of the roof above the deepened third tier

The option is there but how many extra fans would you get in these sides / corners against the cost?

I don't think it would make much sense to the club for a few extra thousand fans -apart from if we could get double the amount of current coporate boxes in a new Colin Bell / East Stand and filling the corners in then maybe.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

Falastur said:
I see the OS now has an artist's rendition of the new stadium with both new ends added. It is as below:


Let's look at that in a slightly larger size:


What I can see here:

- Note the roof now seems to be better integrated with the roof over the stands than in previous concepts. Previous concepts had the roof at a whole other level, kind of like the uneven roofing at Maine Road, which made it seem really likely that the stands would also be redeveloped later, as the roof just did not seem right at all. Now the roof seems more natural, even if it's weird how low it goes in each corner. To me, this means that the club view expanding the stands as a very long-term goal, if they plan to do it at all in fact. 60,000 could be the capacity for 10 or 20 years before any upgrade. I suspect the club has no plans to go past 60k right now.
- It's practically impossible to see the guy lines on that pic, but it's obvious from the angles that the poles sticking out of the spirals are not supporting the new end. There are two poles on each end supporting the roof, but they come directly out of the stand, which I guess means much greater strength in the superstructure itself. Notice the whacking great pillars where the redeveloped ends meet the old stands though. That's the trade-off for reinforcing one part of the ground and not all of it.
- My initial suspicions about the outside are correct. The ends will now be very wide, so if the club does ever redo the stands to match the height of the ends, the spirals will have to go and probably won't be replaced. See the last point - the spirals aren't even needed to support the new superstructure, so I doubt they'd be included if the outer edge of the stadium was pushed out on their sides too.
- That wall of glass looks cool, although it would look better if it were ornamented IMO - funky lights at night, a giant screen for projecting highlights, a big letter display with our name. You can see our badge - just - on that image, but it's sitting alone in a huge sheet of plate glass. Still, that space offers the room for the escalators people were talking about so I'd bet they are on the menu.

All just my interpretation, of course.

"The whacking great pillars" isn't that the large drain which is at the back of the south stand now?
Apologies if already covered, but am I right in assuming the club have ignored the chance to allocate one end as an 'atmosphere' end?

Big mistake if they have.
Re: Blocks 115/114: Made For Proper Singning Sections

jrb said:

Seeing as the away fans are losing block 115 and half of block 114, I'm hoping the club are thinking what I'm currently thinking?

Turning those one and a half blocks into proper singing sections. Singing sections the fans have always wanted.

I sincerely hope the club takes this opportunity to look at this idea, and if need be, work with and alongside the 1894 Group and the fans to make it become a reality. A part of the stadium where dedicated singers can met up, get together, and sing as much as possible throughout the game.

As I've mentioned on numerous occasions, a *1894 season ticket*, limited to those 2 blocks would be great.

An additional £10 could be added to the price of the season ticket to pay for flags, banners, displays, etc. That would bring in £7500 per season.(750 seats) The 1894 group working alongside the club could decide what that money is spent on. I'm £100% sure people wouldn't mind paying it.

I appreciate there is so much going on at the club ATM, but I sincerely hope the club will at least look at the idea and see if it is workable, and if it fits in with what the club wants for the fans and the stadium?

Any feedback would be welcome, regardless. If nothing else it gives the club an idea of what the fans think of the idea.(tin hat on)

Well said JRB.

I'm in 111 and want to go into 114/115 now to join a singing section.

Come on City, please do it.
de niro said:
S.H.R.E.K said:
de niro said:
that's not going to happen. the corporate is not available in 212 for instance, I know because I asked outright.

Oh that's good news, did they say which blocks on level 2 are up for the chop then?

it seems its as you were, i.e if you have a padded seats now you'll be offered various hospitality packs. normal seats like mine stay with the rabble.

its a shame cos its going to be amazing. I wont move seats for any reason but from what I've seen I am sorely tempted.

It seems the padded seats will have access to a new concourse in the the new stands with upgraded facilities
very impressed with the renderings.
i was certain the flowing roof would be butchered much worse.

gordondaviesmoustache said:
LoveCity said:
Hahahaha! Look at the responses.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 3862506496</a>
Their tears taste delicious.
"Vishwas", who put the comment about Empty seats, has in his profile "I dream of seeing a game at OT"

Skirt across various websites that are reporting the expansion plans and they are full of Rags making comments that we can't fill the current stadium, nevermiind an expanded one.

As others have stated like myself, it's their latest jibe, following on from 34 years, massive, council house, etc.

The thing is, the joke is on them. Don't forget, according to them the Sheikh would get bored.

F*** me, he's never been so bored. :-) ( keep on reminding them)

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