Stadium Expansion (Confirmed)

Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
Can people stop propagating the myth that we have the cheapest season tickets in the league?

We don't. Of all our season tickets, only a tiny percentage of them are Value Gold. It allows City to point to being cheap to the wider public, and thus receive the plaudits that go with that.

In reality, most of us know they are a token gesture.

The rest of us have seen yearly rises in the region of 10% for around 5 years.

My season ticket in EL1 cost £715 this season. I travel away regularly so I have no alternative to buy into the bullshit Platinum scheme for the extra £50, in order to not lose my place in the queue for tickets with regards to loyalty points.

£715 is not cheap. That works out at £37 per game, you'd find it hard to argue that the price is extortionate given the side that we now have, but in respect of the cost of attending modern football in a wider sense, yes, it's expensive.

We live in a strange world when we're celebrating having to spend "only" £600 or £700 to buy a season ticket.

I appreciate that we're now a successful club, and modern football has gone this way, but I didn't start following City because I wanted success at any price. Clearly.

Would we still be applauding our prices if they continued to rise 10% annually over the next two years? So our average season ticket prices would be between £700 and £800, would that be value for money?

Our season tickets are now directly comparable to United's, who we once used to deride for the way they milked their supporters like cattle. They've had freezes to the price of their season tickets for the past two years. Their equivalent seats to Level One in the South Stand, in the Stretford End, are cheaper than ours.

That is the reality. We are not great value for money. Our season tickets are, by and large, more reasonably priced in comparison to our rivals, but should we really be applauding ourselves that we aren't expected to fork out £1k like many Arsenal fans?

In respect of our individual ticket prices, we are now among the most expensive in the league. £50 is fairly typical for us now, would this have been applauded or excused just two or three years ago?

I'm not afraid to be critical of the cost of attending matches at City now, the 'negativity' bat that anyone who raises this issue is cracked over the head with is due to patent insecurity. The idea that we can't be critical of price increases due to a fear of being seen as 'ungrateful' is really setting us up on a road to nowhere, and a hiding in the pocket.

The question you have to ask yourself is, "what price is a successful City worth"?

Would we all be happy if prices continued to rise, and we lost 5 - 10k of regular blues off the gate. To be replaced by new 'fans' with plenty of disposable income who only recently adopted City as their "BPL team"?

Would we be happy to see the whole demographics of our match going fanbase change, to something that would've been unrecognisable, even just 5 years ago?

What price are you willing to put on our success?

It states very clearly in the expansion details that price rises are to be expected for other areas of the ground by the time the new tiers have gone up.

The idea that the takeover would herald an expanded stadium and cheap tickets for all was always a pipe dream, and so now it proves.

I welcome the expansion of the South Stand, but at the current rate of yearly price increases, what hope would we have of filling it?

Are the club hoping that those that become priced out over the coming years return to take up places in the new expanded areas?

How many of the new seats will be the advertised £299? Will they be a token gesture like the Value Gold, a tiny proportion of the new stand, or are they a considerable proportion?

I apologise for the scepticism and 'negativity', but I think this is a topic we should all be reflecting on much more closely.
Intelligent post. A rarity on this thread.

Yes, very succinct and pretty much what I would have written if I'd put my mind to it.
oakiecokie said:
Eccles Blue said:
The more I read of this thread the more depressed I am getting. In fact I am sorry I ever started the thread!!

The club, or any public institution/company whatever are not perfect. Show me someone/some business that is and I will lay down my arms and surrender!! BUT the club are doing their best to help fans, to listen to fans. However, as has been said a number of times on this thread, they are a company and as a company they have to make money. They are not and have never, as far as I am concerned anyway, extorted money out of us.

Some people can go to every match, some people can't but that has been the way of the world since it began. Part of the problem seems to be that people want instant gratification without having the patience to wait and see how it develops. Life does not consist of people being able to say; "I want xxxxxx" and xxxxxx is presented to them on a plate!! If it were then I would have the team round at mine for their tea once a week!! Or I would fly off to Canada to visit my granddaughters once a month or I would have perfect health and be able to run a marathon for charity.

It ain't going to happen and I accept that, so come on guys give the club credit. In this day and age we cannot turn the clock back we have to accept the cost of everything is rising and some can afford it and some can't. Kids/teenagers etc have to wait as we did. Sorry if the facts of life are alien to some but that's it, there's no more!!

If we could turn the clock back I would still be going to City one week when they are at home and that lot in Stretford the other week when City are away because I couldn't afford the away matches. And they would still be playing matches at 3.00 every Saturday afternoon!! But that's the past and the past is history. Live in the here and now and accept that things are changing. MHO

Never heard so much sense in one post.Well done madam.

Thank you OakieCokie.
and Liverpools 60,000 at an expanded Anfield and West Ham's 59,000 at Stratford!

and should we get really giddy, if the sides are ever done to line up the roof all the way round then 80,000 is of course bigger than the swamp!
DiscoSteve said:
and Liverpools 60,000 at an expanded Anfield and West Ham's 59,000 at Stratford!

and should we get really giddy, if the sides are ever done to line up the roof all the way round then 80,000 is of course bigger than the swamp!
i don't think we should bother

let's hope the Sheik gives it all up and we can go back to Colchester, York, Macclesfield and Northampton, no reason to be moaning then and we can all be doffing our caps to United again
Each end is supposed to add 6,750 seats so add approx. 13,500 to existing capacity

But the 2nd end will only get built if the season ticket waiting list justifies it
squirtyflower said:
DiscoSteve said:
and Liverpools 60,000 at an expanded Anfield and West Ham's 59,000 at Stratford!

and should we get really giddy, if the sides are ever done to line up the roof all the way round then 80,000 is of course bigger than the swamp!
i don't think we should bother

let's hope the Sheik gives it all up and we can go back to Colchester, York, Macclesfield and Northampton, no reason to be moaning then and we can all be doffing our caps to United again

Who moderates the immoderate comments of the moderator ?
This thread's just confused the fuck out of me.

Half of people say we've lost our soul and are a cash cow. The other half applaud the club's vision.

Let's not forget the club were given a clear instruction when the boss took over: sell out every game - no empty seats. This is driving the suits at the club (FFP has added to it since) and they try many many ways of keeping us loyal.

So surely, if we have 70k seats then logic shows that prices will not go through the (new) roof, unless a new (rich) fan base is found - one that goes to games on a Tuesday night and not sits in front of a 55" tele?
chesterbells said:
squirtyflower said:
DiscoSteve said:
and Liverpools 60,000 at an expanded Anfield and West Ham's 59,000 at Stratford!

and should we get really giddy, if the sides are ever done to line up the roof all the way round then 80,000 is of course bigger than the swamp!
i don't think we should bother

let's hope the Sheik gives it all up and we can go back to Colchester, York, Macclesfield and Northampton, no reason to be moaning then and we can all be doffing our caps to United again

Who moderates the immoderate comments of the moderator ?
no immoderation in that post mate, therefore no moderation of a mod being immoderate required

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