stadium party

Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

BurnCK said:
The club should have prioritised who could have been attending in the same way they did for tickets for the Semi and the Final

They making the tickets available before and after Tuesdays game. If you were at the game, you could have got a ticket.

If you didn't go on Tuesday or couldn't be bothered queuing then you missed you chance...simple as.

Quite agree mate, simples as........................
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Stretford Born Blue said:
Activating everybodies season cards couldn't be done, it wouldn't work.
35% of our fan base live in the South East (taken from ticket sales), do you think they would have all come, doubt it, a further percentage live in other areas of the country, would they all go?
The ground would have been half empty.
The only way of distributing tickets to fans that could attend and ensure the stadium was full was on a first come first served basis and it was right to start giving them away at the match on Tuesday where everybody gets a chance.
Everybody has a moan because they think they know better and nothing is fair when they don't get what they want, if the gound held 100,000 there would still be disappointed people without tickets...............There is no pleasing some people.
Try reading my post again and responding to what I actually said. I never said they should be activated by default. I said they could have easily allowed season card holders to activate online by doing this they're effectively making the statement that they can get there.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

I'm a season ticket holder but haven't got a ticket for this but it makes me cringe that some of the other season ticket holders on here think they have the devine right to a ticket.....why????????

I was at the Stoke match and saw the massive queues before the match so didn't bother, thinking I'd head back to the stadium later in the week to get one. The fact they have sold out and I haven't got one is my fault and no one elses! I went to Wembley and had a great time so am hoping some of the people that have tickets for the homecoming are those that couldn't get to Wembley.

Like people say, you can still go to Albert sq and celebrate so lets stop bloody moaning and enjoy the moment.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

1_barry_conlon said:
gingerthai said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Fully concur with this.

Some of us were fortunate to see it happen on Saturday and i don't begrudge anyone who didn't get to go and have managed to get a 'free' ticket for Monday.

I'm going all retro on Monday. My sister took me to see them bring it back in 69 when i was 4,so she's insisting on taking me again to Albert Sq this Monday.

I'll be the one on the 'space hopper'.....!

Accidents can happen when your drunk and in charge of a space hopper.


The health and safety nazis will be on my case now you've brought this to their attention.

Pretty sure that's a MKII space hopper, though i could be wrong?

Looks like i'll have to take my 'clackers' instead.

Looks like the lad in the video was on a MKII, you want one of these adult size ones:


Only £9 pound from argos: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 702856.htm</a>

Maybe we should all turn up on them.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Marvin said:
It's for all City fans who have waited 35 years

But only people with season tickets this season are fans...didn't you know ?

Also, season ticket holders should be first in line for EVERYTHING, not just for tickets for actual games ;)
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Skashion said:
Marvin said:
The point being that no attempt had been made to assure they get into the hands of those who deserve them the most.

So who deserves them most ?

as I posted before I've been a season ticket holder for 23 years but I'm ok about other City fans getting tickets for the party (I missed out as well) ...... ITS A PARTY FOR ALL CITY FANS ....... its not a reward for loyalty, the loyalty was rewarded by Wembley tickets......... this party is for season ticket holders and none season ticket holders alike...... for all those fans that didn't get a ticket for Wembley they now have a chance to join in the fun....... lets not be elitist and parochial, people do support City even if they haven't got a season ticket......... if you missed out on the Stadium then there's always Albert Square or the parade route ...........
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

BurnCK said:
Marvin said:
It's for all City fans who have waited 35 years

But only people with season tickets this season are fans...didn't you know ?

Also, season ticket holders should be first in line for EVERYTHING, not just for tickets for actual games ;)

Spot on mate. I'm a season ticket holder and there's a few of us who will be lining the route rather than in the ground because we didn't queue on tuesday.
My season ticket guaranteed me 19 home league games - end of. Then depending on loyalty points away games, cup games etc.
This is a free party - first come first served in my book.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

gingerthai said:
1_barry_conlon said:
gingerthai said:
Accidents can happen when your drunk and in charge of a space hopper.


The health and safety nazis will be on my case now you've brought this to their attention.

Pretty sure that's a MKII space hopper, though i could be wrong?

Looks like i'll have to take my 'clackers' instead.

Looks like the lad in the video was on a MKII, you want one of these adult size ones:


Only £9 pound from argos: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 702856.htm</a>

Maybe we should all turn up on them.

That's more like it. I'm on the website as we speak.

Thank fook for the footpump as well.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Skashion said:
Marvin said:
The point being that no attempt had been made to assure they get into the hands of those who deserve them the most.

So who deserves them most ?

as I posted before I've been a season ticket holder for 23 years but I'm ok about other City fans getting tickets for the party (I missed out as well) ...... ITS A PARTY FOR ALL CITY FANS ....... its not a reward for loyalty, the loyalty was rewarded by Wembley tickets......... this party is for season ticket holders and none season ticket holders alike...... for all those fans that didn't get a ticket for Wembley they now have a chance to join in the fun....... lets not be elitist and parochial, people do support City even if they haven't got a season ticket......... if you missed out on the Stadium then there's always Albert Square or the parade route ...........
Have you had a look at the homecoming ticket exchange thread? Maybe some of those people deserve them?

People are straw manning all over this thread. I just want tickets to end up in the hands of genuine blues, whether season ticket holders or not. I don't want them ending up in the hands of people who couldn't care less about City and are only there with their mates for a free party with fireworks.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

As a season ticket holder who went to the two Wembley matches I'm not that bothered about being in the stadium for the celebrations. I only want to go there for football really.

It's good that some people who don't have a season ticket for whatever reason can have a chance to get inside COMS for a bit of the atmosphere.

I'll go to Albert Square to see City show off the cup from the Town Hall. That's the special bit of the celebrations as far as I'm concerned.

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