stadium party

Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Skashion said:
Stretford Born Blue said:
Activating everybodies season cards couldn't be done, it wouldn't work.
35% of our fan base live in the South East (taken from ticket sales), do you think they would have all come, doubt it, a further percentage live in other areas of the country, would they all go?
The ground would have been half empty.
The only way of distributing tickets to fans that could attend and ensure the stadium was full was on a first come first served basis and it was right to start giving them away at the match on Tuesday where everybody gets a chance.
Everybody has a moan because they think they know better and nothing is fair when they don't get what they want, if the gound held 100,000 there would still be disappointed people without tickets...............There is no pleasing some people.
Try reading my post again and responding to what I actually said. I never said they should be activated by default. I said they could have easily allowed season card holders to activate online by doing this they're effectively making the statement that they can get there.

I did read it thanks but can't be arsed again as everybody will still want to have a bleedin moan because they couldn't this or couldn't that.
My response was a generalised one to all the other foamers and I shouldn't have quoted it on your post, oh so sorry.
I agree your idea may have worked but everybody would still have moaned because they couldn't get through or the system crashed or whatever else they could possibly consider as a way of blaming somebody else for their failure to get something they wanted.
Anyway, off to the gym now to oggle a very fit lady............
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Very rarely do I slag the club off but on this occassion me and my family are
so angry, I couldnt get to the Stoke match on Tuesday because of work, it seems that we have been punished for not going. When did they announce that you had to get tickets from the box office only!
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

kinkydribbler46 said:
Very rarely do I slag the club off but on this occassion me and my family are
so angry, I couldnt get to the Stoke match on Tuesday because of work, it seems that we have been punished for not going. When did they announce that you had to get tickets from the box office only!

On Tuesday: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... icket-news</a>

"Tickets will be available at the game against Stoke City. These can be collected from special collection units positioned around the stadium, and from the CityStore.

From Wednesday onwards, tickets can also be collected from the Stadium Box Office and from the CityStore on Market Street. Tickets are not available by phone or online."
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

stop moaning!
Stop slagging of our club!
They are trying there best
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

I was at wembley and saw the celebrations there so i'm not too bothered about seeing them parade it again, someone who wasn't there can have a chance as far as i'm concerned,

i'll find a pub on the route to the ground, give them a clap on the way past then back in for a decent pint that won't cost me two arms and a leg
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

A better idea of what might be on at the stadium:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -city-bash</a>

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