stadium party

Re: why didnt the club charge £2 for tickets

sput the wonder pig said:
This would of stopped people getting 4 a go....

also the club could of donated the money to charity and raised circa £90k

I think we would of all paid £2 to charity ?

Think it would have caused massive queues, led to credit card costs, would have had to have a VAT element, additional costs for tax returns, probably same people would have got tickets as have when free. Supporters attending the game on tuesday were all Blues as were the ones on Weds at the stadium. If you wanted to be there it was not hard to get tickets!
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

majacaho said:
i am gutted as a season ticket holder myself will miss out so will my dad and my two kids all season ticket holders for people who go occasionally. the money we spend on match day and wembley mounts up and to miss out at the end and have someone else sat in our seats is a disgrace.
In exactly the same boat. Whilst I live in Manchester, my work is well outside th boundaries (I have an 90 minute commute to work and 90 minutes back each day) so have not been able to get any tickets.

Still, I hope everyone has a ball.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Clear to me the club doesn't care who turns up as if new people turn up they're hoping to put such a great spectacle that they'll hope to try and entice these people to buy a season ticket next season.

The way I'd have probably done it is the capacity for COMS is 47,726 for football, there's no need for segregation etc., so I'd have set aside 36,000 for the seasoncard holders and on monday I'd have put it up on the site "Tickets available" and I'd have offered seasoncard holders the opportunity to activate their card online, over the phone or at the stadium for the whole week up until saturday. I would have given the other 11,726 to Citycard/Accesscard holders and done the same thing, but kept the allocations seperate. Then on the saturday I would have put any remaining tickets available in both groups on open sale in one group, and do on the day sales of paper tickets etc.

No seat allocation, just for the purpose of entry activate the cards and make that explicit in all applications for tickets.

That way if they sell out then everybody who should have one has one and if there's spares people who want to bring mates can do, with no seating difficulties.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Everybody who got there early had 4 tickets offered free. They're not going to turn it down. Problem is half won't be used so we have 20K actually turning up, 20K tickets wasted and probably another 20K fans without tickets.
I'm going to Albert Square to see the lads.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

FFS, are people still making excuses as to why they don't buy a seasoncard ;)
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

i dont actually know anyone at all who has tickets to go into the stadium, does someone have about 100 tickets are something haha
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

JoeMercer'sWay said:
Clear to me the club doesn't care who turns up as if new people turn up they're hoping to put such a great spectacle that they'll hope to try and entice these people to buy a season ticket next season.

The way I'd have probably done it is the capacity for COMS is 47,726 for football, there's no need for segregation etc., so I'd have set aside 36,000 for the seasoncard holders and on monday I'd have put it up on the site "Tickets available" and I'd have offered seasoncard holders the opportunity to activate their card online, over the phone or at the stadium for the whole week up until saturday. I would have given the other 11,726 to Citycard/Accesscard holders and done the same thing, but kept the allocations seperate. Then on the saturday I would have put any remaining tickets available in both groups on open sale in one group, and do on the day sales of paper tickets etc.

No seat allocation, just for the purpose of entry activate the cards and make that explicit in all applications for tickets.

That way if they sell out then everybody who should have one has one and if there's spares people who want to bring mates can do, with no seating difficulties.

This - I think the club is trying to get some glory hunters to come down adn get sucked into the club long term (well, as long as success is here)
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

The club probably didn't think that there would be 47,000 people interested in what is effectively a kids do. I've been to these things with rugby. It's just a load of childish nonsense.

I'll pop along to Albert Square, watch the bus top parade as per a hundred and odd years of tradition and what else is there really left to see?

You won't miss anything, those who are not going, so don't get so het up about it!:)

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