At least the water, energy and rail systems have been streamlined and are far more efficient than they were. Cheaper too.
Businesses exist to make profit, and they will do that very efficiently thank-you very much. If in a competitive market they will do it by offering better products and services at the best possible prices. E.g. Amazon, or indeed pretty much any well run business.
But if they have a monopoly, then businesses are more than happy to just rip people off. Why not - profit is their prime motive, so if they can charge people who have nowhere to go, more money then ker-ching.
What was idiotic, was to sell off state assets, like the railways, and give e.g. the train operators like 10 year monopoly franchises. And WORSE, try to govern them with a toothless regulator that tolerates year upon year of above RPI increases. Shameful. Why not sell off slots like with airfares, so you could choose to go on the XYZ train at 08:30 which is £50 but you get free breakfast, or go on the 08:45 run by a different company that's only £36 but no frills. Where is that choice? If you had choice, rail fares would have fallen, like Easyjet has lowered airfares from the rip off British Airways was charging. Oh wait, British Airways, another former nationalised shambles.
And who was it who sold off the assets in such an incompetent way? Oh wait again. The government. Incompetence in action as per.
How is it that e.g. Unilever can outsource all of its procurement activity to IBM? Or Oracle outsource its marketing? And yet the NHS cannot outsource its cleaning functions without getting reamed? Oh, it's the government again. Quelle surprise. Where is the SLA that penalised poor performance and holds the private cleaning businesses to account with property penalties?
Sorry but the government aka civil servants are incompetent idiots who we should not trust to run a piss up in a brewery. We've already discussed on this very thread the omni-shambles that is HS2 and the NHS national program for IT. More incompetent cock ups. And some of you lot want MORE government? You're mad.