Star Wars VII

Absolute garbage and a waste of my time and money. I took the kids to see this and I may as well have watched a new hope instead.
Can't explain how shit this film is, just pointless scenes with characters doing out of character things and not believable.
The list of issues I have is so long I'm trying to think of something the film actually does right....I'm struggling..........wait...
.......finns jacket is pretty cool!
Like wwe?. this film!
Absolute garbage and a waste of my time and money. I took the kids to see this and I may as well have watched a new hope instead.
Can't explain how shit this film is, just pointless scenes with characters doing out of character things and not believable.
The list of issues I have is so long I'm trying to think of something the film actually does right....I'm struggling..........wait...
.......finns jacket is pretty cool!
Like wwe?. this film!

If you have two Death Stars blown up previously, you don't go and build a bigger one. Can you imagine what the insurance premium must be for that thing? Hope they got a lot of Meir cat cuddly toys for it.

Your right just retold the original story for a newer generation and nerds who will wank off over it. I was disappointed but your never going to top the original 3 films.
I can see why people are saying she's a bit Mary Sue but with the Force almost anything can be explained (for better or worse). The stuff about her knowing as much if not more about the Millennium Falcon than Han Solo is fishy but surely it's for a reason that they will explain later down the line.

Knowing for a fact that there will be sequels is a luxury that Lucas didn't have in 1977 so New Hope had to work as a film completely on its own. This one doesn't so it can raise a lot of questions. It's a bit annoying but hopefully in the long run it will pay off.

I've done some thinking about Rey's knowledge of the Falcon. She's a scavenger and a skilled pilot. The Falcon has been on her home planet for at least some time.

It wouldn't surprise me if she took the opportunity to explore the Falcon a little bit. I don't believe she'd actually flown it as when she and Finn are looking for a ship she tells him "it's a piece of junk" or something to that effect. Therefore, she isn't aware of it's flight capabilities but it is highly possible she's had a look at the Falcon's controls sat in the pilot seat and kind of generally poked around inside it some.

Obviously, just conjecture but it makes sense to me.
If you have two Death Stars blown up previously, you don't go and build a bigger one. Can you imagine what the insurance premium must be for that thing? Hope they got a lot of Meir cat cuddly toys for it.

Your right just retold the original story for a newer generation and nerds who will wank off over it. I was disappointed but your never going to top the original 3 films.

The rebellion had a 5 minute meeting about how to blow up a facility that probably took 25 years to build. And then they went and blew it up...and then went home for some dinner!!!
Fucking idiotic storytelling for persons who can only relate to storytelling through a fucking video game!
I've done some thinking about Rey's knowledge of the Falcon. She's a scavenger and a skilled pilot. The Falcon has been on her home planet for at least some time.

It wouldn't surprise me if she took the opportunity to explore the Falcon a little bit. I don't believe she'd actually flown it as when she and Finn are looking for a ship she tells him "it's a piece of junk" or something to that effect. Therefore, she isn't aware of it's flight capabilities but it is highly possible she's had a look at the Falcon's controls sat in the pilot seat and kind of generally poked around inside it some.

Obviously, just conjecture but it makes sense to me.
Rey was left with the junk dealer as a child, you see this in the flashback, it's also explained in the novel, apparently, so she will have had access to the falcon overtime, also all the skywalkwers, Anakin, Luke seem to be good with making/flying/fiddling with electronics so it will be in her blood.
Rey was left with the junk dealer as a child, you see this in the flashback, it's also explained in the novel, apparently, so she will have had access to the falcon overtime, also all the skywalkwers, Anakin, Luke seem to be good with making/flying/fiddling with electronics so it will be in her blood.

You are correct. Her being left with the junk dealer slipped my mind.
So, my brother won a prize where he gets 2 tickets to the movies every day for a 3 months. He was running out of movies to see so we went and saw it today.

I was severely underwhelmed.

Plot was repetitive, poorly constructed and full of flaws.

Dialogue was clunky and at some times cringe inducing.

Way too many hokey throwbacks/nods to the originals - was just incredibly lame.

Effects were good, but were overused and resulted in the movie lacking the charm of the original trilogy.

As a massive fan of the originals, this was extremely disappointing...
So, my brother won a prize where he gets 2 tickets to the movies every day for a 3 months. He was running out of movies to see so we went and saw it today.

I was severely underwhelmed.

Plot was repetitive, poorly constructed and full of flaws.

Dialogue was clunky and at some times cringe inducing.

Way too many hokey throwbacks/nods to the originals - was just incredibly lame.

Effects were good, but were overused and resulted in the movie lacking the charm of the original trilogy.

As a massive fan of the originals, this was extremely disappointing...
There's so much cost going into these blockbuster films these days that the producers and directors can't risk straying from the tried and tested methods. It's even worse with sequels because they need continuity in style.

Personally I think the original films are poor, too, cinematically. About the same level of a Carry On film, great Sunday afternoon viewing.

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