Starting 11 next season

richball_PF55 said:



-----Navas-----------Kun Aguero---------Silva-------

This, I expect a big season from Nasri next year.

This would be mine, except i'd swap Micah for Zaba...

Bench of, Panti, Zab, Lescott, Rodwell,Milner,Jovetic, Negrado,

Still leaves... Kolorov, Garcia, Barry, Dzeko

We're ready blues

----------------------------------------------------------------Joe Hart---------------------------------------------------------------

Micah Richards---------------Vincent Kompany-------------------Matija Nastasic------------------Gael Clichy


---------------------------------------------------------------------------Yaya Toure-------------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------------David Silva-------------------------------------------------Jovetic--------------------
Jesús Navas

------------------------------------------------------------------------Sergio Aguero--------------------------------------------------

Its very difficult to decide which players will be better every week, but I get the feeling that this will be a strong line-up. Pellegrini likes to play with 2 strikers though, so Dzeko and Negredo may be played instead of Aguero and Jovetic. Also Zabaleta may return if he continues last season's form. Nasri can also play instead of Jovetic, and I would put Denis Suarez on the bench. Then we have Jack Rodwell to back-up Fernandinho, still not sure about Barry and SInclair. Then we have Milner for Navas, Lescott, Kolarov, Javi Garcia, Pantillimon etc.

So much quality! Its like Bayern 2.0!!
whatever team/formation we still miss out a top class player,

i'm getting giddy.
A lot of people having Aguero upfront with 3 behind including Navas. Can't see Navas starting too many games without at least one of Dzeko and Negredo upfront. Negates half of his threat if there's nobody to get on the end of his crosses.
ninjamonkey said:
A lot of people having Aguero upfront with 3 behind including Navas. Can't see Navas starting too many games without at least one of Dzeko and Negredo upfront. Negates half of his threat if there's nobody to get on the end of his crosses.

not all crosses have to be in the air, fire them hard and low, causes panic.
SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
ninjamonkey said:
A lot of people having Aguero upfront with 3 behind including Navas. Can't see Navas starting too many games without at least one of Dzeko and Negredo upfront. Negates half of his threat if there's nobody to get on the end of his crosses.

not all crosses have to be in the air, fire them hard and low, causes panic.

I agree but Aguero loves to come outside the box to make space to receive the ball and have a dribble himself, he's not somebody you can expect to be in the box all the time ready to attack the crosses unlike Dzeko and Definitely Negredo.




-----Navas-------------Negredo-------------Kun Aguero------




I know that upfront you will ALWAYS (every game) have a combination of:



Every single game one from each pair will be starting - we will play one true striker and one playing deeper/dropping in attacking midfielder role.

In other words - keep hoping for much of Jovetic-Aguero, but it aint happening. And neither is Dzeko-Negredo. At least not in the starting lineup.

EaglesFan said:
I know that upfront you will ALWAYS (every game) have a combination of:



Every single game two of the 4 above will be starting, with one playing deeper/dropping in attacking midfielder role.

I agree, although I reckon Jovetic and Aguero could start together on occasion. Doubt Negredo and Dzeko will.

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