Starting to lose its soul ?

Was disappointed to see droves of people leaving with 15-10 minutes to go. Many were those who were also refusing to do the Poznan. Not many joining in the singing either.

Noticed people looking down their noses at us when we swore at the ref as well. Spent the journey home eulogising about Maine Road.
Scottyboi. I was in 3rd tier with my lad and we had a great time. Also we were the last to leave our stand. Hope that's ok with you. God i dream of the day i can be a true City fan like you. NOT.
I think we just have very high expectations now. Remember the uefa cup quarter final against hamburg? It was the best atmosphere I have seen at eastlands. When you compare that to when we played Real Madrid in the champions league it's actually very sad.

The away support is still very good from time to time.
Scottyboi said:
Shit fans, rather we knocked the 3rd tiers off as they offer fuck all to the atmospere. Leaving with 15 minutes to go the sad *****. And jesus the amount of half n half scarves are crazy. Love citeh hate city fans.We are in a semi final and all people were arsed about was beating the traffic!

I know this is a bit of a rant but I totally agree with what you are saying. To be honest all the half & half scarves I saw were on kids. But as for the amount of people that lost interest after seventy odd minutes was ridiculous. And before people start going on and on about 'some people having genuine reasons to have to leave early....' I am aware of this. But for those that are more interested in getting home for their tea than watching all the game are piss poor supporters!
jayblue said:
i quite like expecting to win after the dross weve been through over the years.

Same here. I dont want to play the rags or Millwal in either the semi or the final because I just don't think you can enjoy the full day if you are playing one of these two! So decent results and decent draw pleasel
wireblue said:
mcfc_paul said:
Scottyboi said:
Shit fans, rather we knocked the 3rd tiers off as they offer fuck all to the atmospere. Leaving with 15 minutes to go the sad *****. And jesus the amount of half n half scarves are crazy. Love citeh hate city fans.We are in a semi final and all people were arsed about was beating the traffic!

Definitely this. Can't be singularly pointed at city fans though. The state of modern football. Demographic has changed drastically in recent years.

I've had a season ticket for 20 years and my dad has had one every season for the past 45 years and we sit in colin bell level 3. What utterly shit fans we must be
50 years for me and 20+ for my brother and we are on East Stand level 3. Obviously Johnny come lately's who deserve to be chopped off with thier stand!!! ps never left early despite everything - you never know when you are going to get a magic Pollock or Dunny moment.
jayfx said:
Scottyboi said:
I know this is a bit of a rant but I totally agree with what you are saying. To be honest all the half & half scarves I saw were on kids. !

Not where I was sat...fucking grown men wandering about with these monstrosities on.

The only blip on a really good evening. Well apart from the cold!
We're on tv too much.

When I were a nipper you either went to the match or you listened to it on the radio. None of the Sky, ESPN or foreign satellite stuff.

Nowadays you can watch every game either in the local or on your pc. It's taken away the anticipation of it all. If we'd played away the weekend before chances are you hadn't seen us play for two weeks and you were bursting with excitement. Now you needn't miss a game no matter where in the world or when - its available somewhere.

The 'going to Wemberleee' thing has been diluted as its not such an exclusive place nowadays - semis and playoffs have ruined that.

It isn't going to get any better so get used to it.
safe standing and cheaper tickets is the only way to get the atmosphere back and get the singing fans back. Hamburg is the main example

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