Starting to lose its soul ?

Seosa said:
grim up north said:
Seosa said:
It is.

Things have become easy. While we still stress out and moan like us fans do, because we know we could still win a trophy and will be playing Champions League football next season, the sense of anticipation isn't there. This season's failing will have contributed to it because we know that the league is gone but there's still a chance in the Cup, but the old feeling of going to see City and hoping for the best is gone.

Do you still feel connected to the club? I do to an extent, and all this success is what I dreamt of for years, but something isn't right. It's like something is missing, and the lack of passion and atmosphere these days is representive of that, IMO.

Speak for yourself. Our passion is still there. Left the house At 1.00pm got home 11.45. Feel totally connected, loving the feeling of non dread every time I walk thru the turnstiles. The atmos was fine yesterday. The banter on the way down was great and even better on the way back.

If you don't enjoy winning after years of shite would suggest you give it up. And go in the match thread

Are you trying to point to the fucking Matchday Thread in an attempt to prove a point about passion? Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a c|u|n|t...

Get a sense of humour mate. But don't ever call me a **** again.
Inter Me Nan said:
I was buzzing until i got in the car home and had to listening to people phoning into GMR moaning about this that & the other!!!

Stopped reading the thread at this post, I felt exactly the same when I got back on the coach and had to listen to that bunch of arseholes on GMR, it's the same after every match no matter how well the team play.

Bring on Wembley!
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
Scottyboi. I was in 3rd tier with my lad and we had a great time. Also we were the last to leave our stand. Hope that's ok with you. God i dream of the day i can be a true City fan like you. NOT.
I can go one better than you, mate.

I was in the third tier. I didn't do the Poznan. I didn't sing and I left with 7 minutes to go.

Couldn't give a fuck what some daft kid ,
or anyone else, thinks.
Those of us in the age range 25-70 (most of us) have watched football through a period of massive change. In its origins, football was essentially about local communities. This spawned 'tribalism', which in turn created fantastic atmosphere at most games.

Globalisation and tv changed that 20 years ago. The local community thing is slowly being broken down and the game is reaching a much, much wider audience. The sad fact is that to be successful in the long term, clubs need big support, over and above what the 'local community' can provide. The more successful you become, the more disparate the support. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. What follows is more 'half and half' scarves, more Japanese tourists and more corporates. It's an inevitability so we'd better get used to it. It will only change when premier league football is no longer the global phenomena it's become and the game once more becomes a local pissing war. It could happen.
a few pints in town before the game ,tram to the match,5.0 ,decent attsmosphere,few pints after ,top day,or if i look really hard i am sure i could find something to grumble about,
I think the OP makes a good point and I think standing has a lot to do with it.

Against Everton the 20,000 on the Kippax were making a deafening sound and the atmosphere was brilliant. I guess there is now an expectation of success and seating makes it hard to get the noise going.

Will never forget the atmosphere of that Everton quarter final.
guvnors son mcfc said:
I don't know how about everyone else but when we beat Everton in 1981 at the 6th round stage, the 52,000 crammed into Maine Road exploded at the final whistle.

Yesterday we reached the FA cup semi final and at the final whistle the place was half empty. I know the game was over once the first goal went in but I include myself in the fact that I didn't get excited at the fact we had reached another Semi final in probably the biggest club cup competition in the world with the exception of Champions league of course.

I fear with our new found wealth and success that this "non-plus" feeling will get worse as the trophies and finals continue to arrive.

I hope not :(

Everton game will be 32 years to the day tomorrow(11th)
Football is certainly changing, yesterday the stewards were told to have a word with me and my mate as we were being too boisterous when city scored, if you argue with them you get shown the exit, we had to sit down and suppress our feelings, good job it wasn't a tight game, I most certainly would have been kicked out.

Maybe it's time to hand over our beloved club to the happy clappers
THis is not the game to use as a measuring stick. We were huge favorites going in. Not just a Championship squad, but a squad that's probably going to be relegated from the Championship. Once we scored the first goal the game was over. When there is no drama it's hard to have much atmosphere. Let's see what happens at Wembly.
I was still a little nervous before kick off, the "Same old city" memories still come back to haunt me and I thought yesterday could of been one of those days. I was buzzing we have made it to Wembley. I will keep buzzing every time we win.,

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