Sterling racially abused by Chelsea fan?

The whole hate campaign emanates from liveroool and tgeir sycophants in the media. They made their little town off the slave trade. Piers Morgan is a waste of oxygen who got found out by Hislop and Merton.the thick ****.
Can you expand on what you find strange about Raheem? or why you made that comment?
What on Earth do mean by me finding something strange about Sterling?

My point is simply that the racist abuse directed at him, is not purely due to his race but just one manifestation of him choosing City and the ensuing media circus. Choosing to focus on just this incident (which involved racism rather than say vile chants against his mom and daughter) obfuscates that.

Just like Rashford, or say Rio Ferdinando / Sol Campbell did not have to face such abuse of various forms, despite being the same race.
Eh? Where did I say that?
Pardon, I didn't mean you said that.
But it seems some parts of the media are trying to paint this as an isolated event, purely due his race, rather than an escalation of the constant attacks on him.

I can fully well see a scenario where banning a few fans in this case is deemed to be closure, and then after the next England game he again faces nasty abuse from fans.
I thought Neville got a bit emotional about what happened to raheem, he spoke very highly about him there and fair play to him for calling the press out.
Gary Neville is one of the more intelligent and articulate pundits - a thoughtful guy. This has affected him. It's affected all of us. Those racist scumbag so-called fans are hopefully realising that life has changed forever for them and their families. Whatever family life they had is now gone forever - stared at, laughed at and humiliated wherever they go. They probably woke up yesterday hoping they dreamt it - then reality kicks in. They'll go to the shops - see themselves on newspaper front pages. Switch the TV on - see their scumbag behaviour on various channels. In essence, these racist cretins will be referred to psychologists. If they're employed - not for much longer. No reasonable employer wants a racist on their books. Home repossessions await.
The thing is by not doing so he has almost sealed his fate. If you were only shouting "Manc c*****!" You would be right onto the media putting them right and trying to cool it down. " I admit it looks bad but I got caught up in the atmosphere and probably shouldn't have shouted Manc c**** but I swear I didn't shout a racist remark. " Lying low for a few days makes him look even more guilty.
One of the racist shithouses rang Talksport to say something like 'We didn't racially abuse him - we said you're a disgrace to England and you run like a woman.' If I was a psychologist I'd say they're trying to disguise their guilt in a 'We were vile, but not quite as vile as you think we were' sort of way. Hopefully, their lives are already falling apart.
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Gargoyle Gary now saying that Raheem has carried this with him since 2016, when he went to see the rat-faced twat.

So why didn’t Neville speak out about it then?

It could have been nipped in the bud if he had done so, but no, was he too much of a coward to say something at that time?

Or was there another reason for his silence?

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