Sterling - The Sun

Reading through the Guardian article it seems that most of the negative stuff in the other papers has been written by non sports writers.
The writer claims most of the real sports writers would never descend to that level.

I wonder whether pundits on the TV would receive such accolades from their peers.

However, is he saying that the level that the non sports writers write at is capable of this depravity all the time and should be treated as such when reading about any subject rather than sport ?
I think this has just confirmed my suspicion that newspapers and the truth should never be considered to be related to each other whatever the subject matter.
Unfortunately the comments below the Guardian article continue much in the same vein as before and during our existence in the Euro's. The one that gets me is that Sterling isn't trying. This comment is born out of reading and listening to bullshit and not using your own eyes. He never shirked defensive duties, spent the Wales game contesting, and winning, headers in the middle of the park with players a foot taller than him, and the reverse angle of the foul by the Iceland 'keeper shows how he was busting a gut to reach that ball - something only Vardy, of the others in the squad, may also have been able to do.

If you look at how Wales have been reported on, compared with England, it's no wonder they've succeeded and we tanked. Up until today, I thought they were one of the worst sides in the competition. Lucky against Iceland, poor against England, decent game vs Russia, who had all but given up, and then outplayed by Northern Ireland, hardly making any attacking efforts at all. But the lack of expectations and the constant praise heaped upon them gave them the ability to just play without pressure and they'd be welcomed home as heroes even if they went out in the group stage provided they maybe won a game at least. Tonight's performance might be the best in the tournament so far by any side. England, on the other hand, are always spoken of as having too much pressure heaped upon them, and how we shouldn't do really because we're not actually that good, but by the time the tournament kicks off we've forgotten all that and are claiming that we might win it.

I've always said that years of talking up Utd won them titles because teams were too scared to play them before they'd even taken the field and, in this case, they have abused the English players so much, they were trying too hard to succeed and completely forgot how to play. Actually completely forgot how to play. (there are clearly more detailed and more obvious, less complicated, elements involved too, but calling the whole squad shit, other than Rooney, and then expecting them to win is a bit unrealistic)
Unfortunately the comments below the Guardian article continue much in the same vein as before and during our existence in the Euro's. The one that gets me is that Sterling isn't trying. This comment is born out of reading and listening to bullshit and not using your own eyes. He never shirked defensive duties, spent the Wales game contesting, and winning, headers in the middle of the park with players a foot taller than him, and the reverse angle of the foul by the Iceland 'keeper shows how he was busting a gut to reach that ball - something only Vardy, of the others in the squad, may also have been able to do.

If you look at how Wales have been reported on, compared with England, it's no wonder they've succeeded and we tanked. Up until today, I thought they were one of the worst sides in the competition. Lucky against Iceland, poor against England, decent game vs Russia, who had all but given up, and then outplayed by Northern Ireland, hardly making any attacking efforts at all. But the lack of expectations and the constant praise heaped upon them gave them the ability to just play without pressure and they'd be welcomed home as heroes even if they went out in the group stage provided they maybe won a game at least. Tonight's performance might be the best in the tournament so far by any side. England, on the other hand, are always spoken of as having too much pressure heaped upon them, and how we shouldn't do really because we're not actually that good, but by the time the tournament kicks off we've forgotten all that and are claiming that we might win it.

I've always said that years of talking up Utd won them titles because teams were too scared to play them before they'd even taken the field and, in this case, they have abused the English players so much, they were trying too hard to succeed and completely forgot how to play. Actually completely forgot how to play. (there are clearly more detailed and more obvious, less complicated, elements involved too, but calling the whole squad shit, other than Rooney, and then expecting them to win is a bit unrealistic)

One article will never completely change the perception you describe but it is a step in the right direction.

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