Sterling - The Sun

Unfortunately the comments below the Guardian article continue much in the same vein as before and during our existence in the Euro's. The one that gets me is that Sterling isn't trying. This comment is born out of reading and listening to bullshit and not using your own eyes. He never shirked defensive duties, spent the Wales game contesting, and winning, headers in the middle of the park with players a foot taller than him, and the reverse angle of the foul by the Iceland 'keeper shows how he was busting a gut to reach that ball - something only Vardy, of the others in the squad, may also have been able to do.

If you look at how Wales have been reported on, compared with England, it's no wonder they've succeeded and we tanked. Up until today, I thought they were one of the worst sides in the competition. Lucky against Iceland, poor against England, decent game vs Russia, who had all but given up, and then outplayed by Northern Ireland, hardly making any attacking efforts at all. But the lack of expectations and the constant praise heaped upon them gave them the ability to just play without pressure and they'd be welcomed home as heroes even if they went out in the group stage provided they maybe won a game at least. Tonight's performance might be the best in the tournament so far by any side. England, on the other hand, are always spoken of as having too much pressure heaped upon them, and how we shouldn't do really because we're not actually that good, but by the time the tournament kicks off we've forgotten all that and are claiming that we might win it.

I've always said that years of talking up Utd won them titles because teams were too scared to play them before they'd even taken the field and, in this case, they have abused the English players so much, they were trying too hard to succeed and completely forgot how to play. Actually completely forgot how to play. (there are clearly more detailed and more obvious, less complicated, elements involved too, but calling the whole squad shit, other than Rooney, and then expecting them to win is a bit unrealistic)

I agree with all you said but the media is a powerful machine, I've tried to articulate those same points & I just get looked at like I'm full of shit. I don't know how you beat them unless you go for them individually, get as much dirt as possible on them & give them a dose of their own medicine.
I should certainly hope so!

I do fear our PR keep acting like the kid at a birthday party who's only there because the parents are friends, petrified of annoying anyone and desperately trying to make friends. Your the biggest thing in English football for fucks sake, stop acting like meek scared children and do your fucking jobs.

I'd be livid if they end up doing fuck all
I do fear our PR keep acting like the kid at a birthday party who's only there because the parents are friends, petrified of annoying anyone and desperately trying to make friends. Your the biggest thing in English football for fucks sake, stop acting like meek scared children and do your fucking jobs.

I'd be livid if they end up doing fuck all
But they should do fuck all because it isn't important. They want to get a rise out of City and we continually do the right thing by ignoring it all.

The moment they print something important, then we should start responding. But it's The Sun, talking about a sink...IGNORE!
Before the Iceland match Hodgson said the Sterling was back to give the option of his using his speed out wide. In the even he rarely got the ball in that position, especially from the team captain.

So we have several possibilities.

a. The team and captain ignore the manager's game plan

b. The players do not rate Sterling themselves.

c. The players are influenced, consciously or otherwise, by what they read in the media and twitter etc

d. Neville cannot shake off his anti City feelings.
And yet there are some that say the agenda doesn't exist.
Theres memes and other bullshit perpetuating the club image for example:

I found this funny but to opposing supporting this will get their bitterness and jealousy raging. The way to beat it is as fans we be ourselves and anyone turning slightly raggish should be pulled up asap. Sheik Mansour could announce that he's giving every Mancunian a gift of £10,000 tax-free and we'd still be ripped to shreds because of the media perception created by an unbiased (as proven with the current political struggles) media.

@Ric retweeted this. Not sure I agree that it's racism. Think it's more a convenient coincidence of three things:
1 England need a scapegoat at every tournament
2 He wasn't playing at his best in the lead up to the EUROs
3 He plays for City

The vitriolic abuse that has been hurled at him from every section of the media is disgusting but I do not agree that it's born out of racism.
I agree with all you said but the media is a powerful machine, I've tried to articulate those same points & I just get looked at like I'm full of shit. I don't know how you beat them unless you go for them individually, get as much dirt as possible on them & give them a dose of their own medicine.

I doubt going for them individually would be anything our owner using his many high level contacts throughout the world would do would he ?

I mean the FBI doing a bit of overtime on FIFA and Uefa could not be at his request could it and surely VW having an expensive emission control problem (Wolfsburg owners) is surely just a coincidence.

However, just in case, I would be absolutely certain that I had no skeletons in my cupboard if I chose to upset our owner or his operations.

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