Stevan Jovetic (continued)

I just don't like the fact we spent 30m on a player we didn't need when we could have filled other areas on the team that needed filling.
Strange player. Negredo worst form ever, Agüero didnt look fit to me, if he would have been fit he would have started. Even if he was fit to play 30 minutes he wasnt very sharp, how would he be after not playing 1 month. Yet Jovetic, the only other striker who looked good next to Dzeko last 2-3 weeks, not even on the bench because a not fit, not sharp Agüero and an out of from Negredo.

He must be feeling he is really only 4th in the order of striker at Pelle, but he is simply a player that needs to play a lot and build the team around him. Next year we will see, this year we couldnt have done it because of his injuries, but next year if we start the season and he wont be a crucial part of first eleven (hopefully can stay fit for 2 months) than we bough a player that need the team built around him upfront or on his play to put him on the bench and basically be a sub for us. next year we will know. Or if he will continue this injury saga, we just bough a crocked player for 20-25m.

huge potential, potentially lot better than Negredo or dzeko ever could be. Not sure City is the right team for him. Even if he can stay fit, he wont be a regular here, thats my feeling. He is a player that is able to run the show upfront. Next year we will know.
thenabster said:
I just don't like the fact we spent 30m on a player we didn't need when we could have filled other areas on the team that needed filling.

Bit harsh, without these injuries you don't know how well he might have been doing. He would have been perfect to fill in for sergio while he's been out, but he was injured himself, looks a bright spark every time he plays and always manages to snag a goal when he does.

I think injury free next season he could be very good for us.

Also, we've spent far more than that on rubbish over the last 5 or so years, how much was jo, Santa Cruz, Rodwell..
Haslingdon said:
Blue Is the Opposite of Blue said:
thenabster said:
I just don't like the fact we spent 30m on a player we didn't need when we could have filled other areas on the team that needed filling.
It was £22m.

It was, but I think the point still stands.

The issue with Jovetic is that of injuries and even though he had a history of recurrence there was the hope that his last injury spell before we signed him was the final major ailment but that has not been the case.

I still see him as a very useful and important prospect in the team not least because of his versatility and he is still getting better. He is a player that can be used in midfield as well as in attack and so a very useful option to have.

But the injuries have set him back and the manager does not seem too eager to use him. As I said there are certain things about Jovetic I like that can remedy certain issues in the squad, his character, the novelty of his situation and the incessant need to prove himself particularly because of the fact that he has been injured for such a long time. All those qualities can work to the team's advantage and we can site his performances when he does play to reflect those qualities I mentioned.
Waste of money. Negredo horribly out of form preferred to him.

24m player who isn't even rated by the manager to make our bench.

We're in a tough spot. Keep him and we risk being short a striker for most of next season. Or sell him for a big loss.
Must be missing something. Why do we think that he was fit?
When he has been fit he has played some part of almost every match, and scored so I don't know why people think he isn't rated.
If he was fit today and didn't make the bench, so what?! Not every player is best suited to playing away at Anfield and the demands of tackling/style of all round game needed.
Negredo is out of form, but will hold up the ball and put a shift in if needed.
Aguero is in the top 4 strikers in the world, and I thought he looked sharp when he came on for first 15 mins. Almost scored and setup Silva (wish he was an inch taller).
Completely understandable.

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