Stevan Jovetic (part 3)

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adrianr said:
Optimus Prime said:
brotherblue said:
I would be happy if we signed him but I hoped we would go for

Di Maria

Instead, and in that order.

We could get Lamela for similar or even less money and he really seems like a world class player in the making.

All im saying is that for this money we could have got some bette players

And for a bit extra millions we could have got Reus or Draxler all of whom are better than jovetic

No - we couldn't, I'm afriad.

Dortmund will not countenance any more sales of their first team this summer, hence their stance on Lewandowski. Reus has no release clause until next summer, so what Dortmund says, goes for this window. And Draxler, if you believe the press, has had his release clause met twice so far this summer (once by us, allegedly), subsequently turning both the moves down to stay at Schalke for a further season.

Lamela is a right winger/right sided forward - and we've already bought Navas for that role. What we needed was a left sided attacker, which is what Jovetic is.

Di Maria would have been great, but maybe he wasn't for sale. Its wrong to think that every player is available every Transfer Window - sometimes they aren't because the Manager/Club won't countenance selling them.

Bruma and Bernard I don't know enough about to comment really, but they are hardly proven players at the top level, which Jovetic is - so I can't really see the problem with his signing in relation to those two.

The original post wasn't worthy of your good reply mate.

Plus its not even Augusts the 1st, let alone September 1st.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
GX Blue said:
MCFC BOB said:
I agree with GX Blue. If Garcia, Kolarov and Dzeko all start the same game we're never the same team.

BINGO! Whisper that though as if you dont say the whole team is fantastic you're not a true fan.
May I also agree with gx and bob
Kolarov..dzeko and garcia are fucking average at best..if people think these 3 are gonna get us to where we want to be then they need to wake up..distinctly average.i am happy with the signings but still feel we aren't dining at the top top table when it comes to purchases..sorry for being negative but jovetic..negredo are not better than tevez and mario imo...hope to be proven wrong.

They may not be better individual footballers but they've hardly got a big task on their hands to be better at contributing to the team than those two. (With regards last season, Tevez's contribution in his first couple of seasons is obviously not in doubt).

Is Michael Carrick a better footballer than Veron was? No, but he's contributed far more to United than Veron ever did.

Nasri's a better footballer than James Milner, but the latter contributed far more to our season last year.
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