Stevan Jovetic (part 3)

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St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
GX Blue said:
MCFC BOB said:
I agree with GX Blue. If Garcia, Kolarov and Dzeko all start the same game we're never the same team.

BINGO! Whisper that though as if you dont say the whole team is fantastic you're not a true fan.
May I also agree with gx and bob
Kolarov..dzeko and garcia are fucking average at best..if people think these 3 are gonna get us to where we want to be then they need to wake up..distinctly average.i am happy with the signings but still feel we aren't dining at the top top table when it comes to purchases..sorry for being negative but jovetic..negredo are not better than tevez and mario imo...hope to be proven wrong.

Negrado is miles better than two arseholes who had no interest in playing for us. it's the same at the swamp with Rooney, Moyes can gesticulate all he wants about him not being for sale, the bottom line is you don't want an unhappy player at the club, all it takes is one poisoned apple to spoil the whole barrel. As for Tevez and Ballotelli I wish them all the best, but if they dropped dead tomorrow I wouldn't give a shit!!
No Ham In Manchester said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Irwell said:
Is it only me that thinks it a little unusual for the people in charge of the selling team to be flying out to the offices of the buying team? They must be quite keen to sell, otherwise surely Txiki would be travelling to their place?
He's only here for the weather.

And the ham, obviously.

No reason to be here then (look at my name) the ham drought is the exact reason we lost out on isco!
Ham drought? There's plenty of water in this one:


which I imagine will be available at Asda, although you'll have to get confirmation about this from other posters as I'm more of a Waitrose man myself.
Fiorentina: Jovetic ad un passo dal City
Già a Manchester il suo agente, attesi i rappresentanti viola
18.07.2013 16:37

(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 LUG - Stevan Jovetic è ad un passo dall'addio dalla Fiorentina: dopo aver ufficializzato ieri l'acquisto di Alvaro Negredo, il Manchester City sta lavorando per definire l'arrivo anche del montenegrino che, da lunedì, è a Firenze e non a Moena, sede del ritiro viola. Il manager di Jovetic, Fali Ramadani, è a colloquio con il club inglese: a Manchester sono annunciati anche rappresentanti della società viola, oltre allo stesso giocatore. L'accordo dovrebbe aggirarsi sui 30 milioni, bonus compresi.

Fiorentina Jovetic a step away from City
Already in Manchester his agent, representatives expected purple (google translate) !

(ANSA) - Rome, July 18 - Stevan Jovetic is a step away from the Adda from Fiorentina official yesterday after the purchase of Alvaro Negredo, Manchester City is also working to define the arrival of the Montenegrin, Monday, is in Florence and in Moena, seat of the pickup purple. The manager of Jovetic, Fali Ramadani, is in talks with the English club: Manchester are announced society representatives purple, over the same player. The agreement should be about 30 million, including bonuses.
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