Steve Kay - R.i.p. fella..................:-(

I only knew Steve on a nodding-term-basis through his friendship with Noel (BTH) but I was aware of his dedication to City and his involvement in MCFCSTATS. He was, without doubt, an ardent supporter of our club and he will be missed by his many friends on the terraces. It's hoped that somebody at the club will be aware of his passing and that his stature in the MCFC supporters' circles may result in him being given a mention during the Boxing Day minute's silence.

That’s a great tribute Noel…I remember you introducing him to me outside Maine Rd years ago. Steve didn’t know me, but just started talking City with me for ages, he was a true blue. Whenever I saw him again at the ground he would always say hello and ask how I was. He was a down to earth and genuine guy.

I remember seeing him selling CTID outside COMS in the pouring rain. I asked him where Tom was and he replied “probably in the pub, and started laughing”. We again had a brief chat. I didn’t know him well but he always had time for a chat about City with me. His web site was magnificent and a reflection of his love for Manchester City. Can’t believe I won’t see his face around the ground again. A top bloke.

Phil Shakespeare
I met Steve through work, real nice bloke, would talk City all day long.
Staggered to hear of his passing R.I.P Steve, you were a true gent and a credit to all blues.
Like everyone else still in shock, it was lovely to read the tribute from Steve's son Ash, and all the stories from Steve's friends alike, just to advise you the club, the matchday programme, and the City Mag have all been in touch, and Im sure they, like us, will pay tribute to Steve in a fitting way. Sean
Just to let everyone know the club have been informed and hopefully will be represented at the funeral. Will be in programme hopefully for Saturdays game, if not the programme after.
Even though I didn't know Steve, as many have commented his website stands testament to how big and great a City fan he must have been. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time there looking up various stats - as a stats geek it's a haven for me! When I first accessed it I was able to discover the date of my first ever City game - Norwich away April 1991.

R.I.P. mate and condolences to your family.
I've already posted on this thread but just have to add a word for Ash.
Coming on here and posting that was an outstanding thing to do, and the generosity of the family allowing everyone to feel included in the invitation to pay their respects will be much appreciated by many. Your dad will indeed be very proud of you.

So sorry for what you are going through though.

Thanks for the website and all the dedication that brought us this treasure chest of info and thanks BTH for a fantastic post!
I'm an exiled Blue [in the States] and long time friend of Steve's from when he was little, that's way before he was 6'4"
We played golf together as kids, football and of course went to Maine Road whenever we could
One of my best City memories with Steve was the 1976 League Cup Final, when he dropped all his precious souvenir programs down the stands in celebration when Dennis Tueart scored (you can bet he retrieved them!)
He dated my sister, obviously way before he met the lovely Karen and he was every bit the cool guy people have said he was on this thread
For his 21st I bought him a commercial size barrel of extra strong mints, I dont think I'd seen anyone more pleased with something so mundane - they didn't last a week
He actually did wear out Bowie's Diamond Dogs LP (really) and could recite any and all of [early] Roxy Music lyrics but let's not hold that against him
Funny we exchanged EM's a couple of times this year and I was hoping to catch up with him over Xmas
We lost a real blue with a sense of humour and fairness, Steve believed in sense of justice, it's atypical and credit to him that he was so proud of the publicity his scarf [which he laid at OT for the Munich anniversary] received
I got several texts Monday "letting me know" and reading the comments on the board have been a consolation at this sad time
RIP Steve - condolences to your lovely family

masterwig said:
His site is absolutely fantastic. First place I go to if I'm struggling to remember a game or stat about City. Probably the best stats site on the web. Hopefully his passing won't see the end of MCFC Stats. Tremendous legacy to leave behind.

I echo these words im shocked by this news i loved looking at that site with the stats on R.I.P. fellow blue.

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