Steve Kay - R.i.p. fella..................:-(

Ash - thanks for coming on. It's something we all appreciate and my thoughts are with you and your family. This has obviously been a very tough few months.

The tribute from Noel says it all really. It's up to his usual standard and clearly comes from the heart. I don't think any of us can really add too much.

A lot has been mentioned about Steve's site and because of this I guess it would be appropriate if I took a few minutes now to mention how significant this is. Several years ago (probably 2002) Steve contacted me about a site he was creating to show City's lineups etc. At that time there was nothing available at all on the internet like that. There were books (Ray Goble & Andy Ward's Complete Record for example) but nothing freely available to anyone, anywhere.

Steve took the stats he could find in books and the ones he had collected himself over the years and set out on his mission. He talked with me, Andrew Waldon, Dennis Chapman and other statisticians about his aim. At the time I remember thinking that this would be brilliant but I also thought that he was taking on too much. All of City's records were either in books or handwritten ledgers (Dennis Chapman's were the best I'd come across at the time). So even if no other research had to be carried out, simply typing up the details of 5000 plus games would be a bit of nightmare. Of course, a lot of extra research was needed, so imagine the work put in.

From that time on Steve (and Ashley) worked hard on getting it all together and it launched in 2003 (the day of Foe's death, I think). I was impressed immediately.

Not only was the site brilliant in terms of how it provided line-ups etc., but it was also free of charge and available to anyone. Some similar football statistician sites charged.

Steve did what he did for the love of City and, knowing how long it takes to research and update statistics etc., I know that this took many, many. many hours of Steve's time.

Thanks Steve for all your efforts. If there's a Blue Heaven I'm sure you'll be there now debating that so called 'abandoned' Preston cup tie of 25th Jan 1902 with John Maddocks & Dennis Chapman. RIP.
Very sad to hear this, condolences to his family and friends - RIP Blue.

As said his site is an amazing legacy and hopefully it will continue to provide a great service to the stattos among us.
warren harvey ( bro-in-law )
What and where do I start with this geezer who's addiction of charts etc was incredible...Roy Cropper eat your heart out matey coz our Steve beats you hands down for sad gits filling in the charts with great accuracy over the years,unbelievable and a great legacy for all us blues to appreciate for many a year to come....hopefully Ashley ( son of )will try and keep the website running and maybe adapting it in his own style which I know Steve would have liked... funny we never really went to many matches together but on the odd one Stevie boy would be there with little note book intoe scribbling away all the various stats on that game.I've got to say he didn't get away with the odd jibe from me too....soz pal I know it was your passion! me on the otherhand up chanting etc with the rest, pie & pint at half time whilst Stevie boy was wondering up and down selling his latest additions,getting frost bite on those bloody ears of his...... GOD LOVE YOU MATEY, THANKFULLY NO MORE SUFFERING FOR YOU WITH THOSE BLOODY BLUES..... Me and my guys Mike & Chris will raise our glasses in memory of a wonderful uncle/Bro-in-law at the Arsenal game..hopefully they'll do you proud on the night Stevie........ Night God Bless Matey x
I am deeply shocked about this news. Sincerest condolences to all Steve's family and friends.

I used to speak often to Steve as he was generally at every match and we used to discuss which one of us would go on the longest run of consecutive matches!

I had the pleasure of his company for a few hours when I gave him a lift home from Notts County several years ago and he was telling us all about his plans for the stats website. To say he accomplished what he originally set out to do is a massive understatement.

A great Blue and a great person. He will be sadly missed.

Has anyone heard the details of the sadly missed big fella's funeral.

R.I.P Great Statto Blue

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