Stoke Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Some fans disappoint me, how spoilt can you get in such a short space of time, doesn't anyone remember all them years before our sheik owners took over ????????
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
IrelandSuperman said:
Super David Silva 21 said:
I haven't seen U*d do anything spectacular yet, Chelsea are dropping points, Arsenal are alright i spose but are a bit suspect defensively.
I'll make myself a target for ridicule but I'll say it anyway: what about Liverpool?
You said it brother

I got laughed off at the start of the season saying they maybe top 4 fodder.

Will have to see, think they have a decent run of games though they should easily win.
IrelandSuperman said:
hallstreetblue said:
Spuds are lookin good aren't they?
It's funny you should mention them. Anyone remember AVB and the talk around him when he started there? Especially after his disaster with Abramovich FC. And look at him/Spurs now.

Something we should think about perhaps. And I'm still of the opinion that Pelle needs to get us sorted pronto.

Good point. I'm hopeful that he will. starting with a win in europe and victory against the rags.
flb said:
We've been given the runaround by Cardiff , Hull and to a lesser extent a Mark Hughes managed Stoke City.

Makes solemn reading that, doesn't it. Cardiff, Hull and Stoke. FFS.

Thank god we have had a soft draw and got away with playing utter shite and still be 4th on 7 points.

With a tougher draw and/or without being very lucky against Hull and even more so yesterday, we could have been staring at 3 points or less and be near the bottom already.
Ducado said:
hallstreetblue said:
The People on here, asking for Pellegrini's head after 4 GAMES, are obviously new comers and haven't been on the roller coaster ride through decades of misery, as the majority of us have. Have a word, or go and hunt some glory elsewhere. Spuds are lookin good aren't they? Go n' check em out!

Not all of them are new

What you are witnessing is the fall out from the outer and inner debates of last season, the inners feel vindicated so they come on here to rub the outers noses in it, and when our form improves the outers will be on to rub the noses of the inners in it!

I had my reasons for wanting Mancini out. The gutless performances in the CL were one of the reasons. But only time will tell with Pellegrini. If performances don't improve, then I'll start to question it/him. But not yet ffs.
Ducado said:
hallstreetblue said:
The People on here, asking for Pellegrini's head after 4 GAMES, are obviously new comers and haven't been on the roller coaster ride through decades of misery, as the majority of us have. Have a word, or go and hunt some glory elsewhere. Spuds are lookin good aren't they? Go n' check em out!

Not all of them are new

What you are witnessing is the fall out from the outer and inner debates of last season, the inners feel vindicated so they come on here to rub the outers noses in it, and when our form improves the outers will be on to rub the noses of the inners in it!

I was a a mancini inner and I can say with complete honesty that my concerns now are NOTHING to do with my stance on the previous manager.....

Our performances on the pitch are all I care about and at present they are woeful....even the newcastle game for me wasnt great (remember they only had 10 men for half the game and basically committed suicide!)

Yes its only 4 games in and way to early for the manager to be sacked...but when do you draw the line? IF these poor performances which look devoid on any noticeable tactics continue when do we say enough is enough ....for instance when we are in danger of not hitting top 4?

Make no mistake about it the league is a lot stronger this year...Arsenal, liverpool spurs everton will all seriously push for the top 4 and push us especially......utd will win most games at home on reputation alone and in RVP they have someone who will win them a game on his own (we lost that with tevez) and they have strenghtned their weak area of midfield. Chelsea will grind a lot of results out away from home ( a lot of 1-0's)....spurs will continue to play attacking fast paced football and will win a lot of games.......and liverpool look hugely better and havent had suarez playing yet!!!!!!

it is going to be very close for all top 4 places and at present we look the worst of any of the teams mentioned (utd dont look the best but they have the rvp factor)

we have lost our defensive solidity and our ability to dominate games.......this is a big worry........if its about bedding players in then the manager and DOF have already made a huge mistake in getting rid of players like Barry and Tevez (and if he wanted to leave you have to ask the serious question of why???)... the new players could have been brought on slowly yet they have all been chucked in at the deep end..........

Negrado is an upgrade on dzeko - so why keep dzeko????????

Navas is going to be a good player for us but we are going to be wide open in midfield playing a 4-4-2 with him in pellers will need to find a way of adapting his system and i dont think he has the players to do it

ferd - a good player BUT his partnership with Yaya WONT work if they are just a pair

Jovetic - no idea yet but im guessing he was bought to fill tevez shoes......imho that is impossible so we have down graded and that is not knocking the lad

The DOF has a lot to answer for imho.....he may be knowledgeable about euro football but so far he is showing a distinct lack of awareness regarding how to play in the prem league.....
Ducado said:
hallstreetblue said:
The People on here, asking for Pellegrini's head after 4 GAMES, are obviously new comers and haven't been on the roller coaster ride through decades of misery, as the majority of us have. Have a word, or go and hunt some glory elsewhere. Spuds are lookin good aren't they? Go n' check em out!

Not all of them are new

What you are witnessing is the fall out from the outer and inner debates of last season, the inners feel vindicated so they come on here to rub the outers noses in it, and when our form improves the outers will be on to rub the noses of the inners in it!

There's some of that mate to be sure.

But there are quite a lot of inners who starting to get just a bit worried. I was an outer, and although I will not be calling for Pellegrini's head this season under any circumstances, I am more than a little concerned at how shite we are playing.

At Cardiff, to an extent, we could blame it on the injuries to Kompany and Nastastic. We lost due to comedy defending that would not have happened with our first choice back four. But defending is nothing compared our other problems.

I am starting to wonder if we need a much bigger squad shake up. What we saw yesterday was one team playing with passion, fight, spirit and work rate and another one strolling around and switched off for much of the time. I needn't tell anyone which was which.

The worrying thing is that a poor to average manager like Mark Hughes has managed to get Stoke playing like that for 90 minutes. Whereas to a large degree, that same manager, then Mancini and now Pellegrini as well (so far) have failed to get the same ethos instilled into some of our players. The common denominator here is not the managers, it is the players. I am starting to wonder if paying over the odds in transfers and wages - which we had to do in order to attract talented players to City - is at the root of the problem. It cannot be right that we played with pace, passion and commitment for the last 5 minutes yesterday, but didn't bother for the other 90 minutes.

For me that is my biggest concern. We have the talent and we have a decent if not great manager. But how can we get the players - all of them - putting in a shift for 95 minutes, every week?
Poor performance I don't understand how some people on here can say that a point away at stoke is a good result. If it was united only getting a point at stoke we'd be loving it thinking 'how bad are united? Can't even get a win against stoke'.

Plus why does pellegrini insist on playing 4-4-2 it clearly isn't working. If he changed to 4-2-3-1 we would see a massive improvement and if we'd have played that from the start of the season we would have won every game so far. I think he is a good manager but I don't know how he can't see that the formation isn't working and even with the players we had out yesterday we still should have won. If he'd have played rodwell and toure cm, nasri CAM, jovetic LAM, milner RAM and negrado up top would have been so much better. Oh and Garcia on the bench because he is dog shit

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