"Stop the Boats"

You mean the ones that leave to live or work in another country. Contributing to that countries economy rather than being a burden to it's benefits and health system.
A lot of people who seek refuge are doctors, technically skiiled, engineers, nirses teechers etc etc wtc.

instead of demonising someome geuinely seeking safe refuge, treat them like fellow people amd maybe you will find they can contribute to our nation.

I don't see a boat full of asylum seeekers and think these people are worthless or a stain, I see potential to help fellow humans and in turn hopefully they will contribute to our society.

Also the poimt about half a million emigrating is about the nonsense we hear about the country filling up to the brim, many like to mention those coming in but not that people are also leaving, and I never claimed those that leave don't contribute to where they go just that they go.
A lot of people who seek refuge are doctors, technically skiiled, engineers, nirses teechers etc etc wtc.

instead of demonising someome geuinely seeking safe refuge, treat them like fellow people amd maybe you will find they can contribute to our nation.

I don't see a boat full of asylum seeekers and think these people are worthless or a stain, I see potential to help fellow humans and in turn hopefully they will contribute to our society.

Also the poimt about half a million emigrating is about the nonsense we hear about the country filling up to the brim, many like to mention those coming in but not that people are also leaving, and I never claimed those that leave don't contribute to where they go just that they go.
In a previous life I conducted between 250 and 300 asylum screenings, I never once came across a technically skilled worker, some are technically skilled there’s no doubt about it but in my experience they are very much in the minority and are no less deserving of refuge if they have a genuine case for asylum.
Joined up policies needed.All these national service teenagers can line up on the beaches with pitch forks and keep the buggers out.
In a previous life I conducted between 250 and 300 asylum screenings, I never once came across a technically skilled worker, some are technically skilled there’s no doubt about it but in my experience they are very much in the minority and are no less deserving of refuge if they have a genuine case for asylum.
well fair enough, if they have no cause to be accepted then we follow international law on returning them to a safe haven.
The Illegal Migration Act changes the law so that those who arrive in the UK illegally will not be able to stay here and will instead be detained and then promptly removed, either to their home country or a safe third country.
What is their home country? Difficult to prove.
Which safe country would accept them?
Most on this thread are about to vote for a PM and Party that has promised to “stop the boats”.

Happy days :-)
Glad you’re aboard with him.

A reminder that saying you’ll do something doesn’t mean they will, unless they revert back to the Dublin agreement.

Still, if all it takes to secure your vote is a little sound byte, I can see how you voted gore Boris last time.

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