Stoppage time

I believe that when the ball is dead with regard to a penalty has changed over the years. I did my referees course twice (not because I failed I hasten to add, but because I was military and didn't referee for a long time and needed a refresher) and between those courses this law, or interpretation of it changed. Originally the moment a ball ceased its forward motion, i.e. saved or rebounds of the post for a penalty in added time or a shoot out, the penalty was said to be complete. As time passed, we then started to see ridiculous situations of balls rebounding out with spin, ndor even coming back of the post and hitting the keeper's back, before then going into an often unguarded net, as the goalkeeper was often away celebrating. Why they needed to change it I'm not sure 'but like many laws, it might have been that it was easier to change it than asked largely stupid players to understand the original.
I did my refs course in the late 60s with the RAF refs association and it was still the rule then although l haven't a clue when it changed.
'Steps' and 'Names' came and rightly went but the best rule change was stopping the back pass from the half way line a major tactic for Liverpool and Hansen but rarely gets mentioned with the glorification Liverpool.
It's been all the ball over all the line since the 60s at least and that's easy to take in when you think of Stones's clearance off the line. It just look odd on a corner with the modern fashion which makes the ball a couple of inches nearer the goal. I don't think that has much effect on our corners when we always seem to hit the first defender.
Any idea why the taker lifts his arm. I've never worked it out. For a time we thought it was Joey Barton letting the first defender know it was coming to him. Always.

I think it must mean "another shit corner coming up !"
Yet when Bellamy equalised in that infamous swamp Derby we had time added on in stoppage time due to us "over celebrating" and we were told by the commentary team 30 seconds per sub, when have you ever seen additional time added like that since?
In a word no
In the Premier League, the ball is in-play for an average of 56.5% of each game. That’s less than 51 minutes, with over 39 minutes where a load of people in a stadium are watching 22 blokes stand still on some grass.

For £50 a pop, you’re taking about paying £21.75 of that to watch some blokes stand about in a field.

Even in our Centurions season (arguably the most free flowing football we’ve ever seen in this country), City’s BIP stat was 58 minutes 15 seconds. Still over a third of entire game where nothing was happening.

The amount of Stoppage Time in the Prem is an average of 7 minutes 59 seconds, combining both halves’ stoppage time.

Where the fuck have the other 31 minutes gone?

And, as the OP says, officials just make up the usual 3-5 minutes at the end of games and play more or less depending on who they need to score or not anyway.

Football should be a 70 minute game, 35 minutes each-way, with a stop-clock independent from the on-pitch officials. There would be no Stoppage Time needed, games would just end on 70 minutes. Rugby league football can manage it, so association football should n’all. Rugby league have even brought in new rules recently and the BIP stats in that sport, that already has a stop-clock for an 80 minute game, is over 80%! Football’s BIP stats are going in the wrong direction, and we just waste so much time as a sport.

We’d actually get around 19 more minutes of action doing that, time wasting would disappear because the clock would be stopped dead whenever it happened, players pretending to be injured would disappear n’all because it wouldn’t save teams any time.
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