stopped smoking tuesday. really need a fag.

I wouldn't use patches or any nicotine if I were you. That's just giving yourself more of the drug you're trying to quit. The success rate of which is very low. If they work for you then fair play, they do on some, but giving up completely with the right mind set is far more beneficial.

As I said in an earlier post. Cravings stem from nicotine leaving the body. If creates a hunger type feeling which makes you think "I need a cigarette". That feeling goes quite soon after you've given up, then you're only battle is against association triggers like "I always smoke when I drink" therefore you'll want one when you do. Those are far more easily dealt with. But what I'm trying to get at is, every time you have a cigarette or put a patch on (or any nicotine replacement therapy) you're topping yourself up with nicotine and you have to endure the leaving of that nicotine again, thus keeping you in the cycle.

You can do it, mate. Sure you slipped up yesterday, but that doesn't mean you can't go at it again today.

Keep it up!
No problem. :)

I can only speak from my experiences obviously, but after 5 years of smoking I think I attempted to quit twice before succeeding. The first time I said "i'll see if I can go a week, prove I'm not addicted". I went the week but as soon as it was over I was smoking even more heavily than before, and believe it or not I was citing that as an example that I'm not addicted. haha.

Anyway, if you're smoking again after you slipped up last night, there is absolutely no shame in it mate, it's a tough thing to give up. But I strongly recommend you get hold of the audio book "Alan Carr's EasyWay To Quit Smoking". It might sound a bit lame listening to a book to help you quit, but it worked 100% on me, so I'll give it a full recommendation.

As I said in a previous post, you're encouraged to continue smoking up until the end of the audio-book (about 6-7 hours in one sitting, but I spread it out over a couple of weeks), and its approach is totally different to the usual "you're killing yourself you idiot" sorta thing you get from non-smokers. By the time it finishes you'll be buzzing to give up. I couldn't wait to finish towards the end to smoke my last fags!

The guy who wrote it gave up cold turkey from a 100 a day habit, so if he can do it, so can you :).

Anyway it's entirely up to you, but I'm sure you could find a download if you wanted to, if it doesn't work you're no worse off, if it does you're infinitely better off. :)

Good luck!
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
I'm disappointed in myself for relenting but I'm wise enough to know it isn't easy. I'd had a few to drink last night so my reasoning was shot. Smoked 6 fags last night in a couple of hours, that's bad by even my own standards.

It's the constant, nagging craving that's doing me. Seeing a nurse this week get some patches, anyone found them helpful?
What's the reason for you wanting to give up?
mr t said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
I'm disappointed in myself for relenting but I'm wise enough to know it isn't easy. I'd had a few to drink last night so my reasoning was shot. Smoked 6 fags last night in a couple of hours, that's bad by even my own standards.

It's the constant, nagging craving that's doing me. Seeing a nurse this week get some patches, anyone found them helpful?
What's the reason for you wanting to give up?

Gave up in January with no help. I've tried before and failed but this time I've stuck to it.

Now, if I smell it on people it stinks, I feel better(no coughing my guts up in the morning) and I've put a wee bit of weight on.

Found it easier if I changed my routine, so sitting in the garden having a cup of tea and a fag in the morning became sit in front of my pc and have a cup of tea.

Don't get any urge now, not even when pissed.

Just don't give in when you get an urge. Eat a banana.
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
mr t said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
I'm disappointed in myself for relenting but I'm wise enough to know it isn't easy. I'd had a few to drink last night so my reasoning was shot. Smoked 6 fags last night in a couple of hours, that's bad by even my own standards.

It's the constant, nagging craving that's doing me. Seeing a nurse this week get some patches, anyone found them helpful?
What's the reason for you wanting to give up?

And that is a good enough reason but it's not easy and tremendous willpower is needed.
It was finding out by chance that I had the early stages of emphysema that gave me the reason I needed to give up. I smoked for 32 years - I was a pothead as well and smoked dope every day - and I went cold turkey and I'll have been given up smoking fags and joints for 5 years next week but it's been a struggle and I still want one at times but I feel so much healthier and I've got so much more spare cash that I hope I never go back and the one thing that stops me having a smoke is that I know how difficult it is to give up and I can't stand the thought of having to do it all again.
Good luck with your efforts - I hope you succeed.
I gave up on the 1st of February, I used nicorette quickmist to help me at first but now I need nothing.
I have put on 2 stone which I didn't want as I was already overweight but I quit drinking on the 6th of may and I've joined a gym where I have a personal trainer once a month to keep me on my toes.
My life has completely changed now I look and feel loads better, my wallet is now a much happier place too. Dont go back to smoking op it isnt doing any good for you in any way its just a drug that convinces you that your dependant on it.
It really is one of the hardest things to do in life, and gets harder the longer you smoke, it's not just the nicotine that is addictive it's all the things that go along with smoking, with me the smoking ban was great because it allowed me to be on my own with my thoughts releasing stress with the exhaled smoke, I never smoked in the house and loved wandering around the garden smoking (I have a big garden)

But it is so worth the effort, but you have to find other things to give you what the addiction gave you, with me it was serious life changes losing weight going to the gym etc.

Hope this all makes sense

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