Stopped Smoking

Friend of mine stopped after years and years trying and failing.
He cracked it eventually.
Someone told to have a UNOPENED packet in the house all the time in the begining,he said this helped as he knew if he really really needed one it was there and he came close a few times to opening them.He put a sticker on the packet and wrote some negative stuff on it. You could try open them then you rag baconface loving twat,that should work

Just an added help and part of the mind games war of wanting one more if you haven't got one.

With being a smoker I can understand it if.I get up in the mornings and not got any the shop is first call but can sit for ages reading paper drinking tea before a cig if I have some.

Best of luck with it mate.

Now wheres that fucking lighter
Well i tried quitting before with champix but they never worked for me, this time it's cold turkey. I got a bit drunk on the night of spurs game smoked shitloads that night. Woke up feeling rough as toast on thursday morning (major hangover) felt like my lungs were gonna burst and thought fcuk it i'm not smoking anymore. Lets how long i last :)
citykev28 said:
i've had 20 since new year. 4 of them were after league cup 2nd leg. last 1 was 3 weeks ago after derby. should i sue the bastards??

yeh i blame city as well after a few beers and when we loose against the scum spurs etc i just think whats the point and have one but not done for about 2 weeks now you are better off in the long run food tastes nicer and when you go running it feels a lot easier as well
r.soleofsalford said:
The Fixer said:
This is my 3rd day, i'm pineing like a woman. Last night was the worst i couldn't get to fcuking sleep? insomnia or summat....(i was literally snapping at myself cos i couldn't sleep) this happen to anyone else?

i`ve mentioned this before on here. you should get a book called, "alan carrs the easy way to stop smoking"

Totally agree. I smoked 20 a day (40 at wk.ends) for nearly 20yrs. I tried to give up, and failed, using patches, inhalers, those little tabs, nicorrettes, cutting down, hypnotherapy etc etc etc. Then I read that book and the penny dropped. Not smoked a cancer stick for over five years now, or is it six.<br /><br />-- Sat May 08, 2010 11:33 pm --<br /><br />
bluefandk said:
Havent smoked since new years, not to bad, even if my friends claim ive become an even more miserable bastard.

better a miserable bastard than a dead one. From your point of view at least ;-)
You've gotta really wanna give up - if you do you will probably succeed.

If you don't really wanna give up and you're half hearted about it you will never get rid of the craving and will find an excuse to start again.

It's so addictive and it's a hard habit to break even though it costs a fortune and fucks up your health.
Different kind of smoke, but I've just done 29 days without weed after a 10 year daily habit.

Thing that helped me most was writing down the amount I was spending per day/week/year & the total was gut wrenching. It also helped I was in Pattaya, Thailand for 2 weeks where I had several 'distractions'. The first 4 days were the hardest. Up until Wednesday night (spuds game) I hadn't even considered a roll up. 5 pints later I didnt give a f***!

I think someone mentioned it earlier, a book by Alan Carr(??) is suppose to brainwash you out of it to the point where the thought of having a cig/spliff disgusts you.

Good luck!

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