Storm Dudley/Eunice/Franklin

In the middle of the North Atlantic 1978 in a hurricane.Got hit by a freak wave at 3:30 am and everyone bailing out water, fighting to repair the damage to the accomodations and engine room which also got flooded, scary time.
View attachment 36979
aah-ahhh! [strokes his hand] You have a woman’s hand, milord!
I’ll wager these dainty pinkies never weighed anchor
in a storm.ha ha. -Aah! Your skin milord. I’ll wager it ne’er
felt the lash of a cat [‘o’ nine tails], been rubbed
with salt, and then flayed off by a pirate chief to make
fine stockings for his best cabin boy.
Aah! You have a woman’s purse! [takes it from him and
examines it daintily] I’ll wager that purse has never been
used as a rowing-boat. I’ll wager it’s never had sixteen
shipwrecked mariners tossing in it.
aah-ahhh! [strokes his hand] You have a woman’s hand, milord!
I’ll wager these dainty pinkies never weighed anchor
in a storm.ha ha. -Aah! Your skin milord. I’ll wager it ne’er
felt the lash of a cat [‘o’ nine tails], been rubbed
with salt, and then flayed off by a pirate chief to make
fine stockings for his best cabin boy.
Aah! You have a woman’s purse! [takes it from him and
examines it daintily] I’ll wager that purse has never been
used as a rowing-boat. I’ll wager it’s never had sixteen
shipwrecked mariners tossing in it.

I have no idea what all that was about but it made me laugh.
They say there has been 3 storms in one week so
A) Why dont they call it one big storm and stop being girly about it and
B) When does one storm finish and the other begin.

I'm curious.
It'sthe kids of today, no attention span. If it kicks off in Ukraine it'll have to be reported a several battles over 90 mins most rather than a war, otherwise its over to Netflix ;)

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