Storm Dudley/Eunice/Franklin

Just opened my bedroom curtains to see a big hole where a 6' x 6' fence panel used to be.
It's now resting, a bit worse for wear, on my back rockery.
My new next door neighbour has had his back fencing renewed a couple of months ago, so I'll ask him for the number of the guy who did it.
A good start to the day.
They say there has been 3 storms in one week so
A) Why dont they call it one big storm and stop being girly about it and
B) When does one storm finish and the other begin.

I'm curious.
Because they are formed in different areas although in close proximity(dudley from the north eunice from the west) also one is just cyclonic, another is cyclonic and tornadic.

Franklin like dudley is tonadic and cyclonic but one eneded a day befor the other one formed and eunice has spanned both of them.
Days like today is when I appreciate having communal eurobins in the entry, had several post on a group about wheely bins gone over or up the street leaving a mess to clean up
Two fence panels and a gate post have been ripped out at mine. Luckily on the garden floor now and didn’t smash into the windows or me
Looks like it's finally blowing itself out over here. Wind has dropped considerably over the last 90 minutes or so.
That's because you are in the back of beyond!! Still blowing a hooley here in Eccles.

When I was a kid our coalman (ask your Mum or Dad or even your grandparents!) was called Hooley!! Just to make you smile on a tough morning. :-)

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