Strange Boozers you have been in

The Jolly Angler was fun back in the day when Dave was the landlord. Once you were accepted as part of the clique, you never needed to order your drink as Dave would start pulling it as soon as you walked through the door. Lock-ins were quite normal, I can remember leaving at 2-00 am and being one of the early leavers. And there was that fun pool table in an overly small room. Half your shots had to be taken with a tiny cue. But the beer was always superb. Never remember a bad pint, ever. Regulars had their photos on the wall. I was included and thought it a very great honour, like being knighted.
Katoomba railway bar, Blue mountains near Sydney. Came third in the quiz...
Tinshack on road outside Gambia Hilton . Just enough room for me, the owner and 2 fully armed coppers
I've been to Belize but I don't remember the bar.......Did you visit the Florida Bar in Rio?
Worst place I ever went to in the RN and the only place I stayed onboard when I was off duty it was that shit
Went to a pub off the Kings Rd in London, first time in there never been before. Was playing pool, like you do, winner stays on. But I was playing someone tasty and was clear I'd have to wait a few more pints before my next turn came around. Looked up and above the table light I saw all these knickers and underpants hanging up.

Me: 'why are they up there, usually there's world currency pinned to the bar, or footie scarves etc'

Opponent: 'that's the pub rule if you get 7-balled'

Me: pots a yellow sharpish next turn

I've never come home from the pub without any kecks on and I wasn't going to start!

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