Strange Boozers you have been in

Cheesy said:

You're right with 'Help' in Rio & 'The Globe' in Prt Stanley.

'Raul's Rose Garden' though is (was?) in Belize. There's probably a few on here who have been there but most wouldn't be prepared to admit it ;-)

I've been to Belize but I don't remember the bar.......Did you visit the Florida Bar in Rio?
waterloo blue said:
Can't remember the name but it was near Hartshead Pike,on a farm near Mossley.
The "bar" was there living room and you sat with the old man who ran it on the settee,a definite eye opener for my Aussie missus.
Boozer in Dingle in Ireland which was half shoe repairers and half pub.
THE Colliers Arms at Hartshead Pike, been in a fair few times and could never work out if I was in the pub or their living room, eccentric old couple ran it, last time I went in I asked for a pint and got an obviously short measure, I politely asked the landlord to top it up, whereupon he started having a go at me and promptly pulled out a dimpled pint pot as he called it and poured my `pint` into it, it went right to the brim, "SEE,SEE, I told you it was a pint" he said, it was`nt worth pointing out that his `dimpled pint pot` was in fact only 500ml !!! its closed and gone now, ca`nt think why.
MCFCinUSA said:
the strangest feeling I got in a pub was in London when City were down to play the Hammers and I got lost getting to the ground as the Tube was closed for maintenance. I set off on foot for a few miles walk and went into this pub en route that kind of gave me bad vibes. After visiting the toilets and a brief chat with a couple of the patrons I left to cross the road for another pub. I found out later that was the boozer that the Krays had someone killed in - at the bar.

Blind Beggar at Whitechapel?
"Bucket of Blood" ... Hayle, Cornwall.. Most Unusual name.

"Tuckers Grave" ... Nr Faulkland, Somerset.. Most Unusual pub/ciderhouse

"The Haxby" ... Gorton.. If you had two eyes and a full set of teeth you were effeminate!
In Cleethorpes there is one called The Signal Box the smallest pub on the planet. Not the greatest place to go if your on the pull though im guessing.
Was over watching City in Hamburg in a pre-season and me and my brother ended up in a bar just off the main square. It was one of those that as soon as you go in you wish you hadn't. No blues at all !! There were a few bruiser's at the bar smashed and honestly 2 well pregnant women unconsious with alchohol (or drugs not sure). There was a pram with a baby in it crying and there just had to be a dwarf somewhere, just couldnt see it. So as you do i went and asked for a couple beers and once i started talking (im Scottish) everyone started staring. Next i know's is i am being dragged/pulled with a vice like grip on my neck up the stairs and into the street by this giant (well he was bigger than me anyway) at which point im thinking i wish i had at least got to finish my pint before death. The owner i presume rushes out and starts hitting the guy till he released his grip on me and then invited me back in !!! Thanked him politely but declined and we headed elsewhere.
There's a little pub at the ferry port in Uig on the Isle of Skye that we spent a few hours in last year whilst waiting for our ferry to the Outer Hebrides. The landlord was just about understandable but there were a few locals in there who baffled me. The best of the lot was this guy who looked to be about 90 who was dressed in fishing gear and spoke gaelic. He kept summoning me over and chatting to me but I hadn't the foggiest what he was on about. After an hour in there he gets up and gets 3 blokes to carry him home.
the griffin inn shustoke, well known midlands pub, always has 12 real ales etc. the landlord is a bit funny though, I heard this conversation one sunday lunchtime.
customer; do you seve food
landlord; no not on a sunday, though we do have good pork pies if you want one
customer; oh no! that wont do, my wife is a vegetarian
landlord; well take the fuckin meat out of it then.

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