stuart brenna - lying rag

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
mr brennan, you are a club puppet, nothing more nothing less, you dare not, simply dare not cross fergie as you and i know you'll be drop be fair its the same with all the ex players who are asked for comments, the fear you and the other lap dogs show is embarrassing.

now of course you have city to fear too,how you write positives when your club is on the slide will be a joy to watch, if only to read the squirming as your rag biased pen writes more propaganda about the only team in the world that should win a game.

i wait with glee.

bye for now puppet.

Brilliant - well said de niro.
No rag should be writing about our team,ever.
Especially in a "so-called" Manchester newspaper.

Now that my friend, i cannot agree more with.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No rag should be writing about our team,ever.


Are you 8 years of age?

Fucking hell there's some saps on here. You may think you're hardcore because you hate the rags more than anyone else. But your views are embarrassing and indicitive of the kind of small-club mentality City should be trying to escape.

As for Stuart Brennan: If I was you I wouldn't bother coming on here to defend yourself, it's really not worth it and as someone else said, it's not very professional either.
Cheltblue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
mr brennan, you are a club puppet, nothing more nothing less, you dare not, simply dare not cross fergie as you and i know you'll be drop be fair its the same with all the ex players who are asked for comments, the fear you and the other lap dogs show is embarrassing.

now of course you have city to fear too,how you write positives when your club is on the slide will be a joy to watch, if only to read the squirming as your rag biased pen writes more propaganda about the only team in the world that should win a game.

i wait with glee.

bye for now puppet.

Brilliant - well said de niro.
No rag should be writing about our team,ever.
Especially in a "so-called" Manchester newspaper.

Now that my friend, i cannot agree more with.

I agree that there should be a city friendly city writer, but the MEN has been cutting back costs for years, and I know for a fact that they now regularly use work experiencers to write articles for free, hence why SB is the city writer.

Secondly, his job depends on being on the right side of United and City, so of course he's going to toe the club line. Making sure you stay in a job is not being a 'lap dog'. Chris Bailey pissed off Keegan at one time and Keegan made sure he was isolated by the press office and told the players and his staff not to give him any quotes. So Bailey struggles, and eventually, maybe, the MEN would have decided to ship him out for someone that Keegan would be happy to talk to, bringing them more readers.

Don't blame the journalists blame the spoilt brat attitudes of multi-millionaire football managers who think they should be immune to criticism from guys raising families on £30 thousand a year. They are the reason we have such mediocre punditry in this country.
dingdingding said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No rag should be writing about our team,ever.


Are you 8 years of age?

Fucking hell there's some saps on here. You may think you're hardcore because you hate the rags more than anyone else. But your views are embarrassing and indicitive of the kind of small-club mentality City should be trying to escape.

As for Stuart Brennan: If I was you I wouldn't bother coming on here to defend yourself, it's really not worth it and as someone else said, it's not very professional either.

Alright then,you clown.
Do you seriously think that the Manchester Evening News could not appoint or recruit someone who actually supports the team they are reporting on?
You are a knob of epic proportions.
Its not about being "hardcore" or "hating the rags more than anyone else".
Its about objective,fair and balanced reporting - something that both you and the Evening Liar wouldn't recognise if it bit them on their red arses.
Your views are the ones out of step - if you really can't see that Manchesters only newspaper reporting Manchesters only football team using a rag is wrong,then you are stupid beyond reason.
If you want fair and balanced journalism and a United fan won't suffice then why should a City fan?

Or is it ok if their supposed bias is pro-City?

I did like the way you interspersed your poorly-articulated points with some valid observations about the size of my penis though. I thank you for that at least. My knob is indeed of "epic proportions".
dingdingding said:
If you want fair and balanced journalism and a United fan won't suffice then why should a City fan?

Or is it ok if their supposed bias is pro-City?

I did like the way you interspersed your poorly-articulated points with some valid observations about the size of my penis though. I thank you for that at least. My knob is indeed of "epic proportions".

dingdingding said:
If you want fair and balanced journalism and a United fan won't suffice then why should a City fan?

Or is it ok if their supposed bias is pro-City?

I did like the way you interspersed your poorly-articulated points with some valid observations about the size of my penis though. I thank you for that at least. My knob is indeed of "epic proportions".

I wouldn't have a problem with a reporter not being a blue.
But having a "neutral" is a world away from employing a fan of your biggest local rivals.
I don't want any "bias" towards City - just objectivity.
And,like it or not,every word written by Brennan will be viewed with at best scepticism and at worse suspicion from here on in.
He may well be agenda-free - he may be a red stooge.
But if you hadn't appointed a lifelong rag then you wouldn't be left wondering.
And,having read his poorly-written copy in the past,I can't believe he was the best possible candidate.
stonerblue said:
BOMBER7967 said:
stonerblue said:
stuart brennan said:
Just a couple of things:
1. It says "reported interest" which is true - it has been reported.
2. I didn't actually write that - it was edited into my piece afterwards, quite fairly in my opinion, although I DIDN'T write it.
You need to get facts straight before you start calling someone a liar

i recall someone once 'reporting' that a Lancaster bomber was found on the moon..

Well played for coming on here and responding though.

It was a B17 Flying Fortress actually (sorry to be a pedant).

I know for a fact that it was deffo a lancaster because my mate took the pictures. I just e-mithered him and he confirmed it. So there....

You are both wrong , it was actually a Junkers JU88....

Also, Brennan is a cnut , Joe Kinnear can say it, so can l....
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I don't want any "bias" towards City - just objectivity.
And,like it or not,every word written by Brennan will be viewed with at best scepticism and at worse suspicion from here on in.

Well I agree with you on that at least.

He's admitted he's a lifelong United supporter so there will always be mistrust from people who like to look for persecution at every opportunity. But then he can't worry about people like that because they are small-minded and impossible to please.

I'd like to think that the majority of City fans will take what he writes at face value and not look for things that aren't there.
dingdingding said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I don't want any "bias" towards City - just objectivity.
And,like it or not,every word written by Brennan will be viewed with at best scepticism and at worse suspicion from here on in.

Well I agree with you on that at least.

He's admitted he's a lifelong United supporter so there will always be mistrust from people who like to look for persecution at every opportunity. But then he can't worry about people like that because they are small-minded and impossible to please.

I'd like to think that the majority of City fans will take what he writes at face value and not look for things that aren't there.

In a perfect world,yes.
But blues thought that Paul Hince had an agenda,and he played for us,for Christ's sake.
Lets just say that it was an odd choice,given the obvious mistrust factor.
I think we should redress the balance by having Mike Doyle as the rags chief correspondent.

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