Stuart Brennan. MEN.

oakiecokie said:
Hello,hello,hello !! Whats been going on here then boys ?
Nice to see me old mucker SB giving as good as he gets,especially to the OP,which for a change aint "jrb". Come on man get a grip,your losing it.
Wahay! It's the rapid response unit.
jrb said:
Does anyone remember this?


2This week what the MEN says is presented by Oakie"

Fuck me I honestly used to have hair not dis-similar to that way back in the 1970`s,when I had shoulder length "feather cut style" Or as my boss used to call it " a fucking rats nest".
oakiecokie said:
jrb said:
oakiecokie said:
Hello,hello,hello !! Whats been going on here then boys ?
Nice to see me old mucker SB giving as good as he gets,especially to the OP,which for a change aint "jrb". Come on man get a grip,your losing it.

A change?


I've never started a anti Stuart Brennan/MUENMirror thread.(as far as I can remember)

And come to think of it, I've never had a go at you for being their (sole) cheerleader (on here). ;-)

There's only some many copies you can buy and stash in one day Oakie.

How much longer can you keep it going?

PS. in fact, I stuck up for Stuart. Take it back Oakie. :-)

Makes no difference if its papers or as an app.I`ve got me Kindle as well mate and can get it for only £0.35p.But I`ll always read it and admit it.Unlike some who daren`t come out of the closet. ;)
Stuck up for SB !!! Only after he shit on the thread and you then complemented him on having the balls,something he`s done on more than one occasion.Anyway don`t about my bro.. mate like that. ;)

I've got the interweb, a PC, an iPAD, and a Samsung Galaxy S3. Get you jrb! Kindle?

There you go again Oakie, making it up as you go along.(just like the other thread) Tut, tut.

Seriously though. How many times do I have to/need to explain it? My MEN usage has already been documented, You've read it. Take it as fact. I don't lie and I've no need to lie. Thank you. The end!

Regardless if Stuart dropped a Mr Whippy on the OP and the thread, my argument/gripe isn't with him, it's with who he works for. Like I've stated, he should get the f*** out there and take his talents elsewhere. (another compliment)
Fuck me, some people need to get a grip.

They've run a double page spread on ( with all respect to Mad Eyed Screamer, who did a great job ) very much a minor interest story about someone who got sent off in a youth game over a quarter of a century ago.

Also, anyone who gets angry about the subject of meaningless polls in regional newspapers, probably needs to get out a little more.
jrb said:
oakiecokie said:
jrb said:
A change?


I've never started a anti Stuart Brennan/MUENMirror thread.(as far as I can remember)

And come to think of it, I've never had a go at you for being their (sole) cheerleader (on here). ;-)

There's only some many copies you can buy and stash in one day Oakie.

How much longer can you keep it going?

PS. in fact, I stuck up for Stuart. Take it back Oakie. :-)

Makes no difference if its papers or as an app.I`ve got me Kindle as well mate and can get it for only £0.35p.But I`ll always read it and admit it.Unlike some who daren`t come out of the closet. ;)
Stuck up for SB !!! Only after he shit on the thread and you then complemented him on having the balls,something he`s done on more than one occasion.Anyway don`t about my bro.. mate like that. ;)

I've got the interweb, a PC, an iPAD, and a Samsung Galaxy S3. Get you jrb! Kindle?

There you go again Oakie, making it up as you go along.(just like the other thread) Tut, tut.

Seriously though. How many times do I have to/need to explain it? My MEN usage has already been documented, You've read it. Take it as fact. I don't lie and I've no need to lie. Thank you. The end!

Regardless if Stuart dropped a Mr Whippy on the OP and the thread, my argument/gripe isn't with him, it's with who he works for. Like I've stated, he should get the f*** out there and take his talents elsewhere. (another compliment)

Somehow I think you`ve totally missed my piss take on yourself.
Brennan's mostly alright but the other slugs at that paper want deporting to fucking Trafford like the vermin that play there.
Surely a head honcho's work should be checked by him though if his days work is gonna be supported then spoilt as it seems by picture editors ? Like a volleyball pair. One tees up some brilliance and his mate smashes into the net ? Like the last man of the relay dropping the baton. Stuart you have been let down!
oakiecokie said:
jrb said:
Does anyone remember this?


2This week what the MEN says is presented by Oakie"

Fuck me I honestly used to have hair not dis-similar to that way back in the 1970`s,when I had shoulder length "feather cut style" Or as my boss used to call it " a fucking rats nest".

Correct me if I'm wrong Oakie, but I'm currently seeing baldness or a mullet? I'm hoping you haven't grown a Movember and haven't got the latter hair style, otherwise you're currently looking very much like a 70's Porn star.

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