Stuart Hall - Guilty!

In a sense yes Ste elements of all sections you mentioned knew and know more than they will let on unless it gets exposed.
They must have done for this seemingly large network of abuse to be quelled so much for so long.

There will be some in the house of lords now loosening their well fed collars i suspect.
Along with some tv execs who should be looking in the bottom of a whisky bottle now being tormented not by what they did but what they didn't do all those years ago.
stony said:
Why Always Ste said:
So was it some joint conspiracy amongst CPS, The Police and The Press to keep it all under wraps?

I understand keeping people like Saville hush hush as they raised alot of dough at charity gigs but Ken fucking Barlow? come on... he's a fucking nobody.

With Max Clifford being pinched I just had it down as him having shitloads of secrets about all this scum and when his time was up he just let the cat out of the bag.

That's my thought too. Proving something like sexual abuse 40 years later would be very difficult unless you had a confession.
I wonder if Max Clifford was involved in paying people to keep quiet and he's now talking to save his own skin.
If he did help cover up stuff like this, then it's surely illegal, and with that in mind then surely he got paid for it off his client. If so, would the crown be able to seize his assets on account of it being proceeds of crime ?
The thought of Max Clifford being destitute is quite a pleasant one.
The "If I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me" mentality. I reckon there will be a few more nicks in the coming weeks.
TCIB said:
Odd's on next arrest ?


I bet there are hundreds of celebs/stars from yesteryear who are absolutely shitting it.
Like my mrs says, it was a different culture than today. Grabbing arses and titting up the young office temp was commonplace.
stony said:
TCIB said:
Odd's on next arrest ?


I bet there are hundreds of celebs/stars from yesteryear who are absolutely shitting it.
Like my mrs says, it was a different culture than today. Grabbing arses and titting up the young office temp was commonplace.

That is another thing, titting up i reckon we would accept as a recent past and excused.
This has to be more than that i reckon.

It's not like a 9yo for example could be looked upon as even say a well developed 15-16yo who you can say is pretty etc ( i don't as i have neices older than that).
A 9yo is a child in all respects and to want to have any interaction beyond making them laugh and teaching them academics and good values is in my eyes the sign of a sick mind.
TCIB said:
stony said:
I bet there are hundreds of celebs/stars from yesteryear who are absolutely shitting it.
Like my mrs says, it was a different culture than today. Grabbing arses and titting up the young office temp was commonplace.

That is another thing, titting up i reckon we would accept as a recent past and excused.
This has to be more than that i reckon.

What the fuck is titting up ?
Hamann Pineapple said:
TCIB said:
stony said:
I bet there are hundreds of celebs/stars from yesteryear who are absolutely shitting it.
Like my mrs says, it was a different culture than today. Grabbing arses and titting up the young office temp was commonplace.

That is another thing, titting up i reckon we would accept as a recent past and excused.
This has to be more than that i reckon.

What the fuck is titting up ?

Oh the innocence of the young!
I think this sums up Stuart Hall and should have sent alarm bells ringing long ago. On the Radio 5 live Fighting talk programme, Stuart Hall got into pretty deep shit with this incident:

The 'Stuart Hall incident'

Fighting Talk made national news with an episode broadcast on 12 March 2005. The panel consisted of Danny Kelly, Will Buckley, John Rawling and Stuart Hall. The presenter, Christian O'Connell, asked the panel "What other former all-conquering nations, clubs or individuals would you like to see have a renaissance?". Stuart Hall responded "Zimbabwe", and criticised what Robert Mugabe had done to the country, saying "...don your flannels, black up, play leather on willow with Mugabe cast as a witch doctor. Imagine him out at Lords casting a curse; tincture of bat's tongues, gorilla's gonads, tiger's testicles...". Shortly afterwards, O'Connell was heard to ask studio staff "Are we still on air?" During the same show, Hall was also asked for his opinion on sporting stars acting as role models for young people. In his response, he defended swearing by footballers suggesting that "your average 10-year-old can instruct you in oral or anal sex". The incidents were widely reported in the national press, although neither attracted significant criticism from listeners.

I wonder who taught those 10 year olds that, Stuart?. You can actually find and download that episode and hear those shameful statements for yourselves.
TCIB said:
In a sense yes Ste elements of all sections you mentioned knew and know more than they will let on unless it gets exposed.
They must have done for this seemingly large network of abuse to be quelled so much for so long.

There will be some in the house of lords now loosening their well fed collars i suspect.
Along with some tv execs who should be looking in the bottom of a whisky bottle now being tormented not by what they did but what they didn't do all those years ago.

The more that comes out concerning celebs and child abuse,it will serve to highlight inaction by those in positions of power.Be prepared to be shocked at how many and how high in office those who knew are.
If you read one victims report in daily fail , the victim was ex raf, ex copper and in child protection but she never came forward until saville case came to light

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