Stuart Pearce and the artificial simulated crowd noise

Didsbury Dave said:
God almighty yes. I was horrified, embarrassed, the lot. I thought it was Bolton.

What fucking idiot did this?

I have written one letter and two emails to the club in my life. The letter was after the appointment of Alan Ball. The first email was after this incident. I got quite a snotty reply, too, along the line of "supporters are always asking us to enhance the atmosphere and this was a genuine attempt to do it."

This is why I don't trust the people resposbible for, as they call it, the "supporter experience" at City, and was annoyed about being shoehorned into shit seats for the sake of "atmosphere" for the cup games. Some of these clowns have no idea what constitutes a football atmosphere. They'll have us holding up pieces of card, wearing curly wigs, singing pop songs along with the big screen while some cheeseball tells us "I can't hear you!" if they get their way.

Move the away fans to the other side of the south stand. Turn off the cheesey singalong tunes. Leave the fans to sort it.

Dave, it never became a permanent fixture, so I presume others of similar mindset must have contacted the club? My initial instinct tells me Everton during that fucking ridiculous kick off time - was it something like 11.15 in the morning? Surely the earliest kick off ever in the prem? But now you say Bolton, I'm not sure? Did Pearce have any responsibility re: this? Or was it the postmodern supporter experience department?
gio's side step said:
Dave, it never became a permanent fixture, so I presume others of similar mindset must have contacted the club? My initial instinct tells me Everton during that fucking ridiculous kick off time - was it something like 11.15 in the morning? Surely the earliest kick off ever in the prem? But now you say Bolton, I'm not sure? Did Pearce have any responsibility re: this? Or was it the postmodern supporter experience department?
No I think it was Everton. We had Sun Jihai and Everton had the other bloke from China, so that time of the morning was optium for the fans of the Prem in Asia.

Weird match though. The concourses full of blues drinking watered-down Nescafe instead of watered down beer.
Joycee Banercheck said:
gio's side step said:
Dave, it never became a permanent fixture, so I presume others of similar mindset must have contacted the club? My initial instinct tells me Everton during that fucking ridiculous kick off time - was it something like 11.15 in the morning? Surely the earliest kick off ever in the prem? But now you say Bolton, I'm not sure? Did Pearce have any responsibility re: this? Or was it the postmodern supporter experience department?
No I think it was Everton. We had Sun Jihai and Everton had the other bloke from China, so that time of the morning was optium for the fans of the Prem in Asia.

Weird match though. The concourses full of blues drinking watered-down Nescafe instead of watered down beer.

It must have been that one, you're right. I only remember hearing the noise and everyone going "what?" I remember nothing about the game.

Shows the idiocy of the decision. If you've got a small crowd who haven't been drinking at 11 o'clock in the morning in a low profile fixture, on what planet are they going to start singing along with the tannoy?

Do you know, I've just had a memory cell fire me up a recollection. The tannoy went "Psycho! Psycho!" dead loud at some totally inopportune moment, like a goal kick or something....maybe Pearce was behind it!
In fairness, if you did a job looking after the "supporters' experience" which required you to spend every single game in a room in the stadium dealing with isolated problems, and thus never ever ever being allowed to actually watch a game, and you did that job for years on end, you might well lose track of what the supporters want from a game too, especially if the crowds are failing and you've been told "come up with a new idea or you get sacked".

Still, pretty stupid idea all round.
Falastur said:
In fairness, if you did a job looking after the "supporters' experience" which required you to spend every single game in a room in the stadium dealing with isolated problems, and thus never ever ever being allowed to actually watch a game, and you did that job for years on end, you might well lose track of what the supporters want from a game too, especially if the crowds are failing and you've been told "come up with a new idea or you get sacked".
Still, pretty stupid idea all round.

You're not Danny Wilson are you?
I'm sure it was it was during the Everton early morning kick off debacle....was a weird weird experience...possibly my worst at COMS.
I am sure it was against Bolton because on the phone in on the way home the Bolton fans were laughing at us. All the way through the game i kept thinking "maybe they wont notice its coming from the speakers"

Luckily for us more was not made of it and it seems to have been forgotten!
RossyBlue1990 said:
I am sure it was against Bolton because on the phone in on the way home the Bolton fans were laughing at us. All the way through the game i kept thinking "maybe they wont notice its coming from the speakers"

Luckily for us more was not made of it and it seems to have been forgotten!

I thought it was Bolton too! I was at both games but only remember it happening once.

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