Stuff you have created/seen about winning the treble....

Domestic treble
Treble with CL in it
100 points in a season
That a treble in its own right
If we win the league this season, then we're the only team to win:

- the Domestic Quadruple
- four in a row
- a 100-point season

Each of those achievements trumps an invincible season (especially considering they didn't retain the title the following year). A treble trumps an invincible season too (but it's not unique to us).

Winning the league this year should be our main priority. Even more history!
Admittedly I’ve not met loads of Chelsea fans, but the ones I have, they’ve been sound, and pretty much similar to us in that they recognise their good fortune and were pretty humble , I guess I was just lucky.

Whilst I’m proud of what the club and team have achieved, I’ve never been one to ‘gob off’ about it to others, it’s not like it’s anything I’ve done or achieved and like it’s a reflection of me, find it quite sad and needy when dickheads just start going up to people they don’t know, singing and waving their hands in the air about somebody else’s achievements.
Thought over the years , they have mostly been arrogant cunts myself.Going back even to when they were shite in the 80's.

Thought over the years , they have mostly been arrogant cunts myself.Going back even to when they were shite in the 80's.

Ey listen we've gotta be giving it back to them about them never doing a treble every time we play them with both barrels from now on. Never forget that
Being humble and coy about football is reserved for fans of teams who are on a bad run. City fans don't have some humble and coy DNA where United have some arrogant DNA. United were just good for ages and City were shit. I plan to be as arrogant as I can and wander around Manchester for the year with the biggest Liam swagger I can muster. I won't shut up about that treble for the rest of my fucking life. Opposition fans can give it the big one to us when we are shit again, and maybe we'll deserve it, but they'll never take that night in Istanbul away from me.
Bang on.
Rarely did i wear a kit top but i've been sporting one regularly since the fa cup final. Any rags that mention their treble get a sharp, 'I couldn't give a fuck what united did 20 odd years ago.''
I can only speak for myself.

I wouldn't be able to do arrogance as a City fan if I tried.

Too many years of being oppressed and having the piss ripped out of.

Blues are a completely different animal in my experience and what you're referring to isn't arrogance.

I would say it comes more from a place of anger and frustration.

A bit like "Fuck You" to the establishment.

For all the years of treating us like peasants and more recently for trying to airbrush our achievements.
Spot on, even moreso the older you are.
Wish one of the girls had given the woman a slap.
She is lucky she didn't ask my daughter she would not have looked so fukin smug
Thats what i thought when i saw tbat video the year after Porto.
They got a woman to ask that question,she didnt ask or they didnt include her asking many City women fans,there's banter and banter,but going to an away game and just taking the piss like that,Id cringe if we ever did anything like that.
Ey listen we've gotta be giving it back to them about them never doing a treble every time we play them with both barrels from now on. Never forget that
Im looking forward to playing chelsea so much next season,i hope its relentless our revenge and pay back.

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