
route46 said:
the more i listen to it tyler says "stup" and quinn says "endous"

you've cracked it!!

So to quote Tyler a few seconds later......"so everyone's a winner!!!"
As I've stated earlier in this thread... My mother is Irish. Born in Ireland. Still has the Irish accent and swears like a trooper. Anyway, I decided to let my mother listen to it again, only this time sober. I did consider that her drunken stupor may have impaired her judgement the last time I asked her to listen to the audio.

However, on playing it again..... her verdict is the same as last time.... it's Quinny.

Thank you.
MCFC-alan88 said:


Sounds like that has been 'phonoshopped' or the appropriate equivalent for ears. Even sounds different from the true Quinn version.
Tourist since 1971 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:


Sounds like that has been 'phonoshopped' or the appropriate equivalent for ears. Even sounds different from the true Quinn version.
Fucking hell man you need to get out more if you think anyone would spend time changing tylers voice.
I didn't even think there was a debate, Tyler did his bit then Quinn came out with that line :/
welcometomanchester said:
Tourist since 1971 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:


Sounds like that has been 'phonoshopped' or the appropriate equivalent for ears. Even sounds different from the true Quinn version.
Fucking hell man you need to get out more if you think anyone would spend time changing tylers voice.

As opposed to spending valuable time debating whether it was one bloke or another who said one word on a sports commentary 2 months ago. Still, you gotta have a hobby.
Tourist since 1971 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:


Sounds like that has been 'phonoshopped' or the appropriate equivalent for ears. Even sounds different from the true Quinn version.

And yet, it still sounds more like Quinn than Tyler.

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