
citykev28 said:
It was quite obviously Niall Quinn who said "Stupendous". The people claiming Tyler properly worry me. Tyler doesn't have the Irish accent it was said in.

We can only hope the Tylerites aren't ever in a hostage situation where they're blindfolded and have identify the culprits later. We'd have Brian Sewell banged up as a member of the Provos.
Re: "Stupendous!"

Aguero_Element said:
Someone edit that bullshit page,

Everyone with half brain knows its Tyler, think half the quinners are wrong uns and half are trolling

Only this. Half on a wind up the other half thick as f*ck.
yayas trusty right foot said:
I keep seeing posts on here saying it is Martin Tyler who say this on the commentary..For me its 100% Niall Quinn..

They do sound very alike especially when they excited but there is a higher level of excitement when Quinn says " stupendous, the greatest moment i have seen in premier league football"

If it was MT he would not be getting more excited half way though his sentance..

Tyler says 'stupendous' and Quinn says 'the greatest moment i have seen in premier league football"
You can tell by the different accents and voices if that helps resolve it!
If you look up the definition of 'stupendous' in the dictionary, there's a picture of Niall Quinn. Next case.

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