Stupid little things that bug you

Real Southern yuppie speak.
all over the northern hemisphere.
I dream of a time when all i have to worry about is...three extraneous words, when the real issues go unaddressed, like old people who wont replace the rubber tips on their walking sticks, tap tap f'kin tap, attention-seeking meldrews. Having to halt a conversation whilst a geriatric hell's angel in a german 'elmet pops and bangs down the road, grey pony tail flapping , rear-view mirrors set sideways to see who's watching....
Dog-shit bags hung on bushes, ffs, northern rail missing stops ''to get back on schedule'' bastards, winkle-pickers that look like Turkish carpet-slippers worn with drain-pipe strides,
and women wearing iron-mongerie on their physogs, nob-heads who dimp a cig then dont put it in the BIN, probably the same ones who walk up stairs on the wrong side and expect ME to give way, gtfooh, sometimes I could crush a grape...
The thing that pisses me of is is spending4/6 months watching the final piece of the A555 being completed,months of temporary traffic lights,we wait for the traffic from Wilmslow to move,then the traffic coming from the airport,at last it’s our turn,watching layer upon layer being laid.Finally it’s all done and driving through the new junction is a pleasure.4months later they are digging it up.Back to the temporary lights.When I,m up for murderplease send me copies of King of the Kippax,to keep me sane.
What annoys me is I have a mandatory sexual harassment training workshop at work in a half hour. It's two hours long.

This is a totally pointless waste of time. I already know how to sexually harass someone.

Dare you to announce that at the start of the meeting and see what happens ...

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